Friday, 25 October 2013

October Therapy Trip!

At the beginning of the month there was talks of this month's therapy trip being to a local farm (for the Hospital's confidentiality reasons I can't name the farm) and I realised that not being allowed to attend it was going to be another of the consequences of my overdose, until I found out they were going to run two trips to it and I realised I had a good chance of being able to go on the second one. And then, one of the girls meant to go today decided she didn't want to so I was asked to go. I had to get staff's permission because on 15 minute obs therapy leave has to be discussed but it was one of the lovely Charge Nurses' in and she agreed I could go!
I was like a little kid at Christmas; I was so excited! And, two of the three girls I'm closest to were going so we all sat in the back of the 9-seater Hospital vehicle and were singing along to the radio. It was the first time we'd been out together so it was nice to think our friendship was normalizing!
When we got to the farm there were some school tours going on but we seemed more excited than the children! We saw lots of animals but it was a rare breeds farm so they weren't the usual farm animals... there were goats, pigs and horses but there was also Llama, Reindeers, Meerkats, Leema, Monkeys and then more domestic pets like Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Chinchillas & a Tortoise. Then there were birds like Owls, a Hawk and Parrots. One of the people who worked there let me hold a rabbit... I was really nervous to just be in the same barn as them but my Mum had the brilliant thought that if I could have a good memory and experience with them then maybe the ones I hallucinate wouldn't be so scary any more. So, I was brave and held one of them. And then they were doing horse rides for £1.50 so one of the girls and I did that and on the way back to the Hospital we went to McDonalds!

Here's a few photos from the day:


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