Hi guys and girls! So, I've put a lot of thought into what I could do with my blog next, this mainly came from the need to do something special for the 50,000 pageviews mark! So I did some googling and talked things through with Chels and I've finally settled on a series of blog posts. I'll be calling it the Borderline Positive Series (or BP Series for short) and the main focus is on positivity but in a realistic, Borderline kind of way!
So, every time the views increase by 250, I'll be posting in the series which should mean the last one or two posts will fall on the 50,000 milestone to celebrate that.
The Series will include, useful resources including book recommendations, DBT skills and tips to succeed in recovery, all of my future wishes/bucket list, my role models and idols, a post of pros and cons on specific topics, a research post of an aspect in mental health that I'm most interested in, a post of lessons I've learnt, some funny stories from my time in mental health services and a poem.
Not to mention, I also have two posts drafted for the two year anniversary of my admission here (17.07) and some more guest posts coming up! (I'll still be blogging as normal about every day things)
I hope you all like the upcoming posts!