Thursday, 14 March 2019


Today marks a week until the Richmond Fellowship Enrich awards 2019. I’m very proud to have been on the judging panel to shortlist all of the nominations and to now be co-chairing the entire ceremony as well as taking over the Richmond Fellowship Tyneside Twitter account!

To keep up with all of the goings on, follow #EnrichAwards on Twitter
Every day for the next week, there’ll be a new post of ‘60 seconds with…’ someone involved in the Awards. I hope you enjoy!
Name and job title: 
Tracey Bell Group Director of Performance, Quality and Innovation

How long have you worked at Richmond Fellowship?

15 months

What drew you to this role?

I am passionate about delivering high quality services and love building an evidence base to demonstrate our impact and help us keep improving how we do things. I also believe wholeheartedly that the people we support should have a leading role in how we design and deliver services. My role provides a unique opportunity to combine all these factors into one job.

What advice would you give to someone considering a similar career?

It really helps to have a clear purpose – what is that you and your organization are trying to achieve? I personally think you need a clear vision for how the organization can make a difference. I would encourage anyone to spend some time working in services to really understand the benefits and challenges. Take on opportunities as they come along – whether this is supervising a volunteer or getting involved in a project, anything to get some experience, then go on any training that is available to develop a well-rounded base of knowledge, skills and aptitude required for the role.

How do you feel about being involved in the ENRICH awards?

It’s a privilege to be involved. The nominees are all very deserving and I’ve found it inspiring to read about their achievements. I’m also mindful that there a lot of amazing people in and around the organization who haven’t made it onto the nominee list but give their heart and soul on a daily basis – I’d just like to say that it doesn’t go unnoticed.

What does a typical day at work involve?

One of the things I love about my job is that no two days are the same. One day I could be chairing a meeting or presenting at a committee, another I could be writing reports, visiting a service or being involved in a project. I do a lot of travelling but also get to work from home so it’s a nice balance.

What have you got on today?

Today I have been doing some work on the new Group Strategy which we are in the process of refreshing. I’ve also been following up on my tasks from a workshop we had on Friday to start a review of our Working Together strategy. There’ll be more news about both of these pieces of work over the coming months.

What is the best thing about your job?

I love the variety and the feeling that the things we are doing can really make a difference to the lives of people we support. I couldn’t have hoped to work with a nicer bunch of people either.

What is the hardest part of your day?

We deal with a high level of risk in our services and, however much we try to control this, there is always the potential that we won’t get the outcome we hope for. This is never easy and something we have to continue to plan for and learn from.

What do you usually have for lunch?

When I’m at Head Office I can’t resist the local Vietnamese noodle bar. The tofu pho is absolutely delicious!

What do you do in your spare time?

I try to get to yoga as much as possible and I have just got a puppy so walking him is a priority

What would your superpower be?

I already have one – or at least my kids think I do. It’s that whenever anything in the house has been lost or misplaced, I will always know exactly where it is!
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