Thanks to a poll on my Twitter back in November, my wonderful
followers decided that I should publish a blog post and film a vlog every day
for the entirety of December!
So welcome to December 21st…
Today is all about my collaboration with one very special brand on Etsy, in this post I’ll be reviewing the products they sent to me and on December 23rd you can enter a competition to win all of the products I’ve reviewed this month!
So, Handmade Dorset (based in Dorchester, England) kindly gifted me a few cards and a print with some inspirational, encouraging, and validating quotes and I thought that I’d write a bit about each quote…
‘You are so loved’
I feel like I’ve talked a lot about love recently in my Blogmas posts because I really believe that it’s even more important at Christmastime. There are far too many people spending Christmas alone or with people but feeling lonely so knowing that you’re loved can be so crucial to supporting your mental health at this time of year.
‘You’re amazing (believe in yourself)’
Self-belief is something that’s incredibly hard to come by and everyone finds it from different inspirations. For me, I learnt to believe in myself as my mental health improved and I’m NOT Disordered’s popularity grew because it helped me to realize that I have the potential to help others through my blogging.
‘You are beautiful’
Confidence is everything these days with body image pressures being all over the media at the moment and regular stories about eating disorders featuring in lots of magazines. Society these days is either all about being ‘curvy’ or being ‘skinny’ and being ‘on trend’ or ‘unique.’ With so much criticism, it’s no surprise that people feel overwhelmed by the ever-changing criteria of being beautiful.

‘You are strong (even when you don’t want to get out of bed)’
This is something that I actually believe/say! I think that ‘strength’ is subjective in that it makes different people think of something different when they hear the word. Some believe it means that you can keep a smile on your face when you feel like crying. Others believe it’s about having the ability to ask for help when you need it.