Sunday, 19 January 2014

What is a Mum?

It's loving your daughter unconditionally.
It's joining social networking sites purely to stay in touch with her.
It's shouting at people for being mean to her.
It's asking your daughter for fashion advice.
It's being convinced you've made mistakes.
It's using your new phone to send your daughter photos of the cat she misses so much.
It's making a massive decision because of your daughter.
It's finding wellies for her when it randomly snows.
It's not regretting the bad relationship because it gave you that daughter.
It's almost getting thrown out of church while your christingles are rolling around.
It's googling your daughter's diagnosis and not running from it.
It's stamping on her 'rabbits.'
It's showing an interest in everything she does.
It's knowing that when she's playing with her ears, she's tired.
It's genuinely knowing what's best for her.
It's sending her 'good luck' texts for Ward Round.
It's yelling at the school who are ruining your daughter's education.
It's getting her surprise presents right.
It's doing something you don't like to make her happy.
It's taking care of her pets when she's too poorly.
It's saving for her future because you believe she has one.
It's thinking she looks beautiful no matter what.
It's crying at every sentimental gift she gives you.
It's being there for all of the firsts.
It's keeping everything she makes you in Nursary.
It's putting your own life on hold to help your daughter with hers.
It's never having to pause and think about whether you should give up.
It's sending presents and letters of encouragement to her best-friend.
It's encouraging your daughter to take all of opportunities that come her way, no matter what it means to you.
It's sending her a parcel of Halloween-ness to the Hospital!
It's being completely honest and open with your daughter.
It's sending your daughter a card every single week she's in Hospital for.
It's rejecting professional's advice when it's to abandon your daughter.
It's believing your daughter can do anything she puts her mind to.
It's falling over and laughing in the Blackpool Primark changing rooms.
It's wanting to a part of your daughter's journey every step of the way.
It's making a bed beside hers in Hospital.
It's travelling for hours just to be with your daughter for a couple of hours.
It's fighting for your daughter when she's given up fighting for herself.
It's putting your daughter before everything else.

I love my Mum more than words can say and after this weekend and the past 22 (almost 23) years of my life, no amounts of thank yous will ever be enough.
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