Saturday, 19 December 2015

Christmas Q&A with NTW Head of Communications

[Note: the answers below are that of Will Green, the Head of Communications at Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS]

[These questions were taken from Zoella and Joe Sugg's yearly Christmas YouTube videos, namely:
I like to think that my blog gives a rounded view were possible, in that I publish posts from a variety of people and on a variety of topics that I might not have experienced or have the ability to write about. And so, every day until Christmas, there will be a new post of a different person's answers to the same questions. I hope it helps to get you all into the Christmas spirit!]
1. When do you start getting excited for Christmas Day?
Usually before the end of November; when Christmas adverts start appearing on the TV. Deep down I know it's too early but I can't help getting excited!
2. Do you still have an advent calendar? If yes, which do you have and if no, when did you stop having them?
We don't have an advent calendar, but we do have a Disney countdown ornament which we use. We have a very Disney themed house at Christmas!
3. What are favourite Christmas movies?
Scrooged, Die Hard and Muppet's Christmas Carol. Hard to pick a winner, but perhaps Scrooged, I love the musical ending 'Put A Little Love in Your Heart.'
4. Do you have any funny Christmas stories/memories?
Lots of funny memories of Christmas Day games like charades; always more amusing after a festive tipple or two!
5. What's your typical Christmas Day?
Up to walk the dogs (we have two Basset Hounds called Poppy and Daisy) and then Bucks Fizz and bacon sarnies while we open our presents. The rest of the day is usually a blur of festive over indulgence!
6. What do you eat for you Christmas dinner? And what is your favourite part of it?
All of the usual things, but my favourites are the sausages wrapped in bacon. Mmmmmm
7. Do you have any Christmas traditions?
We have a list of Christmas movies we try to watch every year, but otherwise I'm afraid not!
8. What are your favourite Christmas songs?
As well as the usual festive pop, I have a soft spot for carols; especially The First Noel, Oh Little Town of Bethleham and Good King Wenceslaus. All of which I sing at a very loud volume on car journeys, despite being completely tone deaf.
9. What has been your best Christmas present?
A box. No, really. I was about three or four and I got some toy I can no longer remember in a big cardboard box. The way my parents tell it, I then spent the rest of Christmas Day playing with the box and ignoring the toy. I've always had an over developed imagination and the box could be anything I wanted it to be (a castle, an airplane, a train). Today I'm slightly harder to buy for!
10. Do you prefer a real or fake Christmas tree?
I think either is wonderful; it's all
11. This year, do you think you'd be on the naughty or nice list?
Nice, hopefully!
12. What are your favourite treats at Christmas?
That would be the sausages wrapped in bacon!
13. Do you prefer giving or receiving presents?
Definitely giving.
14. Where would be your dream place to spend Christmas?
Anywhere my family is.
15. Are you good at wrapping presents?
I can't even wrap a book.
16. What time do you usually get up on Christmas morning? Is this different from when you were little?
I really like a sleep in but that doesn't happen on Christmas Day. When I was a kid I was usually up and hyper by 4am. My parents must have been saints to put up with me!
17. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn't real? And how did you find out?
Santa's not real?! But then who eats all the mince pies and leaves a Chocolate Orange in my stocking?
18. What is your dream Christmas present?
World peace. Or a really big box.
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