This year, Time to Change (TTC) will be working in partnership, with I’m NOT Disordered on a exclusive series of projects for Time To Talk Day (TTD) on February 2nd.

Questions completed by Vicky McNally, Corporate Governance Director, Cygnet Healthcare
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VickyMcNally1
Cygnet: https://www.cygnethealth.co.uk/
Can you tell us about the worst (least helpful, most upsetting, anger-provoking etc) talk you’ve had with another person regarding mental health?
A conversation with a taxi driver- I remember feeling surprised by his complete lack of understanding and belief in stereotypes.
Most of my routine contact is with informed and empathetic individuals- it was a sharp reminder that there is much work to do to educate & raise awareness about mental health.
Can you tell us about the greatest (most positive, beneficial, encouraging, supportive etc) talk you’ve had with another person regarding mental health?
In the days when coproduction was unusual (20 years ago - I still can't believe that I'm that old!!) I had the privilege of providing awareness training with a group of experts by experience we delivered it the Police force in West Kent. To see the change in attitudes about mental health was staggering- it is something that has stayed with me since.
Finally, list three reasons why you think people should talk about mental health:
1. Need to raise awareness about #mentalhealth is everyone's business!
2. Talking about #mentalhealth normalises & reduces #stigma
3. Encourages more people to seek help = saves lives