Photography: RJ Photography
It’s that time of year again!
people will probably think this post a little premature: “it’s not even
December!” I hear them say… But I think that the majority of people have now
started doing the typical Christmassy things by now; buying presents, decorations,
look at Christmas photos on Pinterest for ideas of DIYs…

I also,
have my Christmas tree! Last year, I thought that my tree was one of those ones
that have colour co-ordinated branches that match a certain height of the tree
and you just slide them in. So, I pulled the branches off – thinking ‘God I
must’ve put them in tight!’ to discover that it wasn’t one of those trees. And
so, my partner and I were looking at Christmas trees and had narrowed it down
to three before Wilkinsons put one of them as 50% the normal price; and our
trip into town to do the food shop ended up with us getting a big trolley in
Morrisons to stick the tree in! But don’t worry, it isn’t up yet -I usually
start decorating around two weeks before the big day.
quite… nervous? Anxious? Worried. About Christmas this year because last year
our family cat (who I’d been brought up with for about twelve or thirteen
years), was having difficulty breathing on Christmas Day and by tea time on
Boxing Day she was being put to sleep. It’s probably up there with my worst
memories. It was horrific for my Mum too because during my two years in
hospital all the way in Bradford (I live near Newcastle) the cat was really,
her only company. So, I don’t know how we’ll both feel, come Christmas. I don’t
know if we’ll be opposite with one of us sad and another trying to enjoy the
day… At the moment, I really want to just enjoy the day and make that time for
us, really special.
thing I’m good at with Christmas, is writing my list for everyone! This year, I
put a list together and halved it for my partner and my Mum and then they’ll be
halving it again to do some for Christmas, and some for my Birthday (February 1st).
thought I’d write about the one big goal that I have for Christmas; something that
you can’t buy in stores or Black Friday sales (which, by the way, I absolutely
ROCKED this year!)
300,000 readers on I’m NOT
At the
time of writing this post, I have 297,823 and looking at my recent/current
statistics, I should definitely hit the mark for – if not for Christmas, then
definitely in time for the New Year! I know that numbers aren’t important in
blogging; I blog because it helps me and others, and because I enjoy doing it.
It’s just that the numbers – the amount of readers you have – reflects the
amount of people that are (hopefully) benefiting from my writing. Also, in my
statistics you can see the Top Ten countries where your blog is most viewed… 1.
US 2. UK 3. Brazil 4. Ukraine 5. Germany 6. India 7. Australia 8. Poland 9.
France 10. Ireland Isn’t that crazy to think that my little blog is being read
all over the world? Literally; the other side of the world!!!
no doubt here from me beforehand, but I hope that people have an amazing run-up
to the holidays!!!