Sunday, 11 December 2022


Welcome to Day Eleven of Blogmas 2022


Today, I’ve teamed up with the Chief Executive of Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW); James Duncan to bring you a bit of insight into his Christmas…


Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions? 


Yes loads. I used to always go for a pint (or two) in Sunderland but that is long behind me. Now it’s a long walk with my wife and the dogs, a Chinese with the family, starting Christmas dinner prep and sort of helping fill the living room with presents


Who will you be spending this year’s Christmas with? 


 Morning with Dena and the boys, then with my brother and sister and their families. I’m on dinner duty this year


What time do you get up on Christmas Day? Is that for a particular reason?  


 Early-walk the dogs before everyone is up. Boys used to be up early, but those days are long gone


What’s for breakfast? 


Usually not much for me-too much eating to come later in the day


When do you open presents? 


First thing when everyone is up


What has been your favourite gift of all-time? 


A leather coat I got from Dena about 25 years ago which still looks perfect, and I still wear loads


What has been the most favourite gift you’ve given someone else? 


I love giving gifts – I think I definitely enjoy it more than the person getting the present


Did you ask for anything this year? If so, what?  


I’ve asked not to have anything. 


Do you wear anything special on Christmas Day? 


Sadly, a Christmas jumper until it’s too hot-usually not long for me


What time is Christmas Dinner (you can use your own definition for this)? 


Sadly, a Christmas jumper until it’s too hot-usually not long for me


What’s your favourite food and drink on Christmas Day?  


I love it all-full works 


Four things you do between 1pm and 6pm: 

1.         Eat

2.         Drink

3.         Talk

4.         Laugh

Do you watch TV on Christmas Day? If so, anything in particular? 


Not really 


What’s your favourite festive movie? 


The Nightmare Before Christmas… or the Polar Express… or It’s A Wonderful Life


How do you spend your evening and night? 


Probably play a game and fall asleep


Thank you so much for sharing your Christmas with I’m NOT Disordered’s readers!  


We all wish you a very Merry Christmas this year!! 

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