Saturday, 19 April 2014

Easter Weekend Home Leave

Hi! I'm writing this post from home because I thought it'd be best to write it whilst I'm all happy (all us girls get anxiety when you go back to the ward after a home leave because you don't know what you're going back to; whether people are struggling or kicking off or the staff are moody...)
So far I've had such a lovely time! I came yesterday because my Mum was off work for the holidays and we went into our town centre to do some shopping. I got some lovely home things, a few bargains in New Look and spent far too much in Superdrug because all my favourite products were on offer! I've developed this new thinking too because second to having lots of sweets and things in my bedroom I also like to have lots of toiletries and since I'm now being rationed on how much food is in my room I figured I should go all out on my products! I also lost my Gogglebox virginity! It was hilarious!!!
Then today was amazing! I had the brilliant idea of going to an aquarium a little further along the coast and we had so much fun! I've been to the centre before but haven't really appreciated it or enjoyed so much (probably because of where I was mentally). I read all the signs to tell Mum which fish we were looking at and we watched the monkey's being fed and the 'ocean talk and feed' and  we had a few laughs like when we thought a frog was too big for it's tank and it turned out the glass was magnifying! Then we ended up going to look at the seals and the sea lion when they were doing a little show for a children's Birthday party so we got to watch that. And then we spoke to some of the staff and told them that I was on leave from Hospital and had to take sedating meds at 12 so we wouldn't be able to go back to photo opportunity with the seals at 1pm. They were so lovely and took me up to have photos with the sea lion! Mum was hilarious because she didn't realise how hard the sea lion was when he 'kissed' you but then she didn't seem to get used to it! Every time he kissed her she got a shock! It was such an amazing experience and it's put this home leave right up there with Christmases and Birthdays. I even got a few things from the gift shop to remember the trip!
Here's some photos for those who don't have me on Twitter (@aimes_wilson) or facebook ( - for my personal account or for the blog's page):

I hope you all have a lovely Easter and eat lots!!!

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