Tuesday, 29 April 2014

The Best-Friend's Birthday

I can't believe I'm only just writing this post! I guess my priorities became making the relevant changes to the blog and explaining them.
So, on Friday (25th) I made the hour and a half journey to my best-friend's; Chelsea's. It's her 21st Birthday soon (there will be a special post on her Birthday) so I went across to celebrate with her.
At her home I gave her the presents I'd got;  a glass with '21 and gorgeous' on it, two nail varnish mixer palettes (she used to use a shoe box lid for that), a topcoat, haribo, hot chocolates, this amazing gadget: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0043R8UHQ/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and a Nails Inc. couture nail polish. I chose the lid, the colour, the stickers on the box and I named it 'Chelsea.' I also gave her some presents from my Mum and cat! And I was brave and bought her a rabbit card and then I got her another one and I had all of her favourite staff sign it including her Doctors and the NAs who'd moved to other wards! I enjoyed watching her face as she opened all the presents because I was quite proud of them; I'd put lots of thought into them (something I find I've just begun to do since meeting Chels). Anyway, after that we got dressed together with pre-drinks which was nice; we've obviously never been able to do that before and it was something we both wanted to experience to normalize our best-friend-ness!
Then her Mum dropped us off at this posh restaurant. Chels and I had such a lovely time; we ate lovely food and we had so many giggles; "sometimes I put it in the wrong hole on purpose!" It was so lovely to do something like that together and her Mum took some lovely photos :)  

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