Monday, 18 April 2016

24hrs with a CBE awarded NHS Manager

24 hours with... Lisa Rodrigues
Date: 10 March 2016
Why have you chosen to write about today? 
It was just the day I chose.

Good morning!

What time did you wake up?

Why did you wake up at that time?
I set my alarm because I was going to meetings in London. But I usually wake before it goes off. I did so yesterday.

Did you have a dream? 
Yes. I dream voluminously.

Do you think today will be 'good' or 'bad' day? (use your own definition of these words to answer the question)
I did think it would be a good day. Although I was also slightly concerned about getting everywhere on time.

What are the first three things you do after waking up?
Look at my FitBit App to see how well I slept.
Listen to Radio 4 Today programme
Spend a penny

Do you eat breakfast? If yes, what did you have?
I always have something with oats. This time, I had homemade muesli made of oats, chopped apricots and dates, raisins, mixed seeds, soaked overnight in apple juice. And a cup of Pukka Womankind tea.

What would be your perfect breakfast?
Bercher muesli with grated apple and goats yoghourt, fresh raspberries and sliced banana, homemade toast and homemade jam, Lazy Sunday coffee with warm milk. Or thick pancakes instead of muesli, with fruit and maple syrup and a little scrambled egg on the side. 

Is there anything that you have to do today but don't particularly want to?
One phone call I wasn’t looking forward to. 

List five things that you do between 9am and noon.
I walked to the station, bought a latte and caught train to London, read emails and tweets on the train, arrived and chaired a meeting, gave people cake I had made. 
If I had been working at home, I would have read emails and tweets, written something, put on some washing and tidied the kitchen.

Did you eat lunch? If yes, what did you eat?
Nice sandwiches provided at the meeting, fruit. And cake!

What would be your perfect lunch?
I love sushi

List five things that you have done, said, thought, or that have happened between noon and 5pm.
finished one meeting, had another meeting, was introduced to a lovely lady who had curated a list of inspiring women for International Women’s Day that for some inexplicable reason included me, walked along the river and across a beautiful bridge to my next meeting, and had the next meeting.

Do you eat dinner/tea? If yes, at what time?
I met two young NHS management friends who I help to mentor in a restaurant at 6.45

What do you eat?
Japanese food, mainly sushi but also miso soup and sashimi

What would be your perfect dinner?
What I had!

What do you do with your evening (5-8pm)?
I spent it with my friends. But on other days this week I have been on a train, been to a football match and been to choir.

Do you have a 'get-ready-for-bed' routine? If so, what is it?
Usually a bath. Take off my make-up. Have a drink of lemon and honey. Clean my teeth. Listen to the radio – either catch-up on a play or The Archers or Radio 4 the World Tonight. 

What time do you go to sleep?
Usually by 11.

Is this when you want to go to bed? Or is it influenced by what you're doing the following day?
I go to bed later if I have got home late. Last night I went to sleep at 11.30

Do you share your bed?
With my husband. And a naughty cat who creeps on while we are asleep. 

Which position do you tend to sleep in? e.g. foetus, starfish etc.
On my stomach flat out. But according to my app, I move quite a lot.

What was your favourite part of your day?
Time with my young friends. They made me feel alive!

What was your least favourite?
Worrying about trains being late (I spend a lot of time on trains, and they are very bad in the South East at the moment).

Did anything happen today that you'd like to change or re-do?
Not really.

Did you 'learn' anything today? (use your own definition of this word to answer the question)
Loads! I learned how amazing someone who was at the first meeting is, that if you are kind to people, they almost always rise to the occasion, that young people are brilliant and we don’t need to worry about the future…. Is that enough??

Are you looking forward to tomorrow?
Yes, I think so.

What do you have planned? 
Working at home. Housework things. Coffee with my son at his house. Shopping for nice things plus getting some shoes mended. Walking. A couple of work phone calls. Emails. Twitter. Writing a letter to a friend and another one to my daughter who I speak to most days but is having a very hard week. Chatting to my friend who is also our cleaner; it was her birthday on Tuesday. She only comes once a fortnight now I am at home as I do more cleaning myself – or I am meant to….
And doing this survey which I have really enjoyed.
Thank you!!!
From Lisa Rodrigues CBE
Follow me on Twitter @LisaSaysThis
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