Dear Raf,
You're forever there for others; with an unlimited amount of support, kindness, reassurance, care, generosity, and gratitude. You make others feel better. You're the type of person (and there's not many of them) who can make others feel positive, and hopeful just from one senten

When I'm with you at events and conferences, I feel like I'm in the presence of a superstar!
And I'm sure you get told these sorts of things about how fantastic you are all the time so I thought that if it was in writing, for 222,000+ people to see... 1. even more people know! And 2. you can read this whenever you have a rough moment or need a pep talk!
Raf, the man that gives me more work to do every time I see him; yet I always enjoy it as we share a passion for our work. Every time I see him, he reminds me that anything is possible with hard work and dedication. It's an absolute pleasure and a privilege to get to share in his adventures.
A natural born leader and all round top bloke
Nick Horne @nhorne68
Raf's a very strong voi ce for the service user group and goes above and beyond, no matter the time or day, to put others first. His leadership and sense of humour are inspiring and infectious; and he gets others to challenge their own thinking. A top man.
Matt O'Brien @mattofthedales
On meeting Raf two things immediately become obvious. Firstly, his absolute passion for his tireless work as an Expert by Experience. Secondly, his ability to make a connection with people from all backgrounds and immediately put them at ease. A rare skill.
Wayne Saville @wayne2183ac
Raf has enthusiasm, passion, drive, and the commitment to improve mental health services for as many people as possible. His actions are selfless, and I recollect the first meeting I had with Raf (you were there too, Aimee) at Cygnet Bury in December (2016); Raf turned up with a car laden with chocolates and gifts for every SU on all of the 14 wards! He wanted to ensure that nobody was left out at Christmas. It took us two hours to get around all 14 wards, but boy was it worth it!Raf is a true inspiration and role model who inspires hope in others.

I met Raf for the first time just over a month ago; his passion is never ending, honest, and truthful. He has an amazing sense of humour. He's such a lovely, sensitive, and compassionate guy.
True authentic co-production.
Raf is a man with BIG ideas and the passion and enthusiasm to drive them forward a true inspiration to our service users
For me, Raf is a leader who provides hope and believes people with shared aims can change the world
Rosalyn Mloyi @RosalynSi
Raf embodies, inspiration, innovation all which come wrapped in his infectious laugh. It's a privilege to be able to work alongside him.
Follow Raf's life and work: @Raf_Hamaizia