Sunday, 1 September 2024


Dear Luna,

I feel like the way a pet comes into your life says so much about the bond and relationship you’re going to have. It’s like a hint or a sign of what’s to come. If you find a pet as a stray or if you adopt them from a shelter or buy them from a store… The difference in a beginning can hold a lot of importance for the journey you’re going to have together. And I believe that our beginning was no different…

In April 2021, my first bunny; Pixie was put to sleep and after six weeks, I wrote a blog post stating that I’d made – what felt like at the time – the biggest decision since losing her; I’d decided not to get another bunny. In the post, I talked about how after losing Pixie, my relationship with my rescue cat; Emmy, had actually started to improve because I felt like Pixie and I had always had such a special bond that as loved as Emmy was, it was tricky to create as intense a relationship or connection as I had with Pixie. It felt like I was always comparing them, and that Pixie just always had that extra special meaning in helping me with the rabbit hallucinations that had plagued my mental health and safety for so long. And that was probably one of the largest challenges I had in that decision not to get another bunny – without a rabbit, were the hallucinations going to come back and be just as hard to cope with as they had been without Pixie? Did that mean I’d end up sectioned again and back in hospital?

I prioritised my improving relationship with Emmy though and stopped looking for bunnies for sale! But, within weeks things changed as the house began to feel emptier and emptier. As though no matter how loved Emmy was – no matter how many memories we made together – there was a piece of the jigsaw forever missing. And that piece was rabbit-shaped! In my journey to finding you, I had to confront a few obstacles: There were a few stumbling points with viewings of rabbits that went poorly and prospective ones that fell through at the last minute and so many people took that as a sign that maybe I wasn’t supposed to get another bunny. I also had people voice their concerns that getting a bunny wasn’t fair on Emmy who was perhaps only just adjusting to life with Pixie and becoming accustomed to having 100% of my attention 100% of the time. But I’m a very determined person – especially when it comes to my pets – and when I know something is right, then I know. And seeing your photo and your little (as it was then!) moustache? Well, how could I not have fallen in love? And how could I not have fought to add you to our home?

When you were finally home, I wrote a blog post introducing you to the world, and in it I talked about how I had realised that the hole Pixie had left in the home would always be here, but you had carved your own little space in the jigsaw and that, from the moment I first held you and sniffed your soft fur, I couldn’t imagine doing this life without you. And from Day One, I’ve had the distinct feeling that Pixie is watching over all of us and that she was so happy I changed my mind and got a new bunny because she knew her whole life how needed a bunny is for me… And whilst, three years on, of course things have changed with my mental health and my safety; I don’t think I will never stop remembering the rabbit hallucinations or that I will never stop being scared that they come back. It really helps to know that I have all the Therapy skills I learnt in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy to battle them and any impact they have on my safety levels and my use of unsafe coping skills, but there are no Therapy skills in the world that are as good as having an actual bunny in my life!

Watching you first meet Emmy and that first night when you were both on my bed and started washing yourselves at the exact same time right next to each other? Well, they are memories I will never forget and will always cherish and I’m so incredibly grateful that I filmed and photographed so much of those early days! I also loved that whilst I put a lot of importance in getting another rabbit, you are so completely different to Pixie was (something which I talked about in your 1st Birthday blog post!). So, I think that the largest difference with you and Pixie, is your energy! Initially that was difficult though because I had been so used to Pixie’s attitude and behaviour and hadn’t recognised that bunnies aren’t really ‘meant’ to be that placid and docile! The Vet regularly commented on Pixie’s placidity and how calm she was. She would sit still once you put her somewhere – which was so useful for photos! – and I could always pick her up for hugs that would last forever if I had the stamina to stand there and hold onto her for that long! You, on the other hand, were always on the go when I first got you! I mean, I tried to keep you on the bed for the best part of your first day, but you were forever wanting to jump off it and explore the rest of your new home. I grew to love this huge difference though because it really helped separate you from Pixie and recognise your uniqueness and individuality. It helped to make you so special.

One place you would sit for ages though, was the bedroom windowsill when you’d jump up on the bed that was pushed against the window! That was lovely, but also hard to see because Emmy was very much an outdoor cat and since Pixie was a good 4kg heavier than you(!), she used to go out too, but I always had visions of you being in the garden and seagulls picking you up and flying off with you! So, I worried that you enjoying watching the world go by through the window was kind of sad and meant that you wished you could go out too. But when you got bigger and seemed to grow out of that as you started exploring other rooms more and playing inside with Emmy.

In October 2022 – just over one year after adding you to the family – we lost Emmy. We. Because you and I – in the saddest way/for the saddest reason possible – became a two-man team! I think that honestly, the hardest thing about losing Emmy wasn’t the impact it had on me and how destroying it was to hold her in my arms whilst the Vet administered the medication that was going to make her leave us, it was coming home to you without your best-friend. Coming home empty-handed. And, as huge an advocator as I am for the fact that I believe animals – especially bunnies – are so much more intelligent than a lot of people give them credit for or believe they are, I still believed that there were no words in the world that would help me to explain Emmy’s death to you. Even if you were a full-grown person, I think I would have felt that way! How do you tell someone that someone they were so attached to has gone forever? How do you tell them that you’re all they have left? How much do you hope that you’re good enough? And that’s what I struggled with next – trying to be good enough to keep you going after losing Emmy.

And now is the hardest bit which I was least looking forward to confronting in this message to you… It’s an apology. The biggest, most sincere apology I can ever give, I promise. I’m sorry that I didn’t immediately recognise your grieving behaviours after losing Emmy… Of course, I knew you missed her, and I realised this is what was meant when you seemed to search around the house for her and would go and sniff where her scratch post and toys had been, but when you began using your head to push that crinkle tunnel around the sitting room? I’m sorry I laughed. I’m sorry I thought it was funny and cute. And that I made others feel that way too. I’m so eternally sorry. It’s taken a lot for me to come through the guilt and terrible self-hate that this failure of mine caused me. I’ve always prided myself on having some sort of almost sixth sense when it comes to my pets and feeling that I have these unparalleled instincts and certainties – especially when something is wrong. So, to feel that I missed this huge sign from you? Not only did it feel like a failure, but it also panicked me that I wasn’t as in tune with you as I thought I was or as I had been with other pets. And I think this exacerbated those worries that I wasn’t good enough of a companion once Emmy was gone.

The way I managed to come through that guilt, was by focusing on two thoughts:

1.       You wouldn’t have wanted me to feel bad for that.

2.       As soon as I did realise something was wrong, I did all that I could to help you.

I remember asking the Vet what the best thing would be for you, and she said getting you ‘a friend.’ She explained that she believed it would be a lot easier to introduce you to another bunny than a whole new cat, so after Christmas – in January 2023 – I picked up your brand-new friend (who I would have never envisioned would become an even greater soul mate), a fellow mini-Lionhead, Gracie. So, something which I think I’ve actually never shared with anyone… I named her ‘Gracie’ because I believed she would be our ‘saving grace.’ I believed she’d be the answer to your grief and, with all the research and documented cases of animals dying of a broken heart after losing other animals in their household, your actual, little lifesaver. I honestly don’t think you could have held on much longer after losing Emmy if I hadn’t got Gracie when I did and so many others agreed with me, so I had a ton of support for my decision to get her. And do you know what? It wasn’t even an issue considering that getting her was kind of like admitting or facing up to the fact that I definitely wasn’t a good enough support for you. This was beyond that. Beyond my self-confidence and self-worth. This was your life. And I repeated those two reasons I mentioned earlier; you wouldn’t want me to feel inadequate in any way and I had done what I could as soon as I knew I needed to.

Not to be cocky or arrogant, but I think that getting another pet for the sake of one of the ones you have, is an actual, upmost testament to your love for them. Getting a pet is a huge decision to make, and whilst it wasn’t as though I didn’t want Gracie, I did feel like the one reason I was getting her for me was actually because I needed to see you happy again. The part of me that needed her was the same part which massively loves and dotes on you. And boy, did I make the right decision?! The two of you are as thick as thieves now! I mean, if I see you separate from each other I immediately think something is wrong and that there’s been some kind of fall-out because it happens so rarely! And I think that a testament to this is the fact that you two were always so together all the time that I needed a companion for myself(!) and so – in May 2023 – I finally decided to get our fluffy Maine Coon/Rag Doll mix, Ruby!

The three of you have made me feel so complete and whole again. Finally. And I will always believe that you instigated that feeling Luna, so, from the bottom of my heart to the absolute top of it… thank you.

I hope you have the happiest of Birthdays and I love you so much – we all love you so much! Don’t ever stop being you; my energetic, little, fluffy moustache!

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