Thursday, 23 January 2014

A Leap of Faith!

For all you readers who have mental health difficulties and have kept them hidden or secret... I'd like to take you all back to the beginning of my journey at this Hospital. When I was told I'd be coming here, I decided I had to tell everyone because I knew it was a long-term Hospital and there was no way I could lie about where I was for so long. So, to all the secret sufferers; I hope the response I got for my confession on Facebook will instill some hope and confidence in  you. I realise I can't guarantee you'll get the same but isn't it worth a go?
Aimee Wilson 13 July 2012 the stigma of mental health has meant I've not always been very honest with people who I'm not very close to but now things have gotten to a whole new level I've decided to announce to the world of Facebook that I have a mental health Disorder. It's now gotten to the stage where I've agreed to go into a residential treatment hospital in ********. I know this status will mean I find out who my true friends are and I'm finally ok with this because there is no shame in getting help or admitting to something like this. 'Judging a person does not define who they are, it defines who you are.' I refuse to accept any shit for this status and any abuse will be reported but I'm hopeful that my friends will be a lot more decent than to stoop that low.


AD-  Aimes i've always known you were crackers xxx
AD - hope it helps aim's get well soon x
DG -  I have nothing but admiration and pride for you Aimee. x.
SW - hope you get better soon aimee!DW - try again lol very proud of u aimee luv u soooo much xxx
CW -  got 2 admit if i was in ur position a dont think a would have the guts 2 tell ppl u should b proud ov urself x x
MH - takes alot to tell anyone that but i respect you amy 100 percent, xx
AW - My Niece has got GUTS , DETERMINATION and Will Beat This Because She Is A WINNER. Love Much X.
PD  - Well done you. My thoughts are with you and I send positive vibes in the hope that it can help in some small way. xxxxx
SW - You should be proud, what you have done is very brave and I hope it helps you get better soon x
DP -  Good on you x
JD - Well done you petal ...As long as I've known ya you've been a crackin lass and I'll always think that ....Its been said earlier but "So proud of you" x
AS - Get well soon xxxx
LB - Takes guts that aimee but good on you! But you'll always be crackers to me x
KH - Get well soon hun xx
JC - Well done aimee though we have always known you were off your rocker!!! No offence meant of course! On the plus side you'll be well looked after in *********! xx
SW - One of the main things about mental illness is the unwillingness to talk about it. Let's face it, in today's society, there are so many things that cause us to go down that route, and until people are comfortable talking about it, there will always be a stigma. Dead proud of you petal, you have come so far already and I hope ******** works out for you. Come see me though... xxxxxx
DW - brimmin full of admiration & love for u. For your courage & strength. so very proud of you Aimee. and thanks to all the comments from your supporters. xx
GC - Well done love. Proud of you. You've shown true strength and I know you can overcome any obstacle in your way xxx
NL - Hi aimee im also suffering from a mental health illness and not afraid to admit it..... I have recently come out of a mother and baby unit hospital for mental health.... Well done you honey and i hope you get the help and support you P.S if you ever wanna chat then feel free to message my inbox... Take care hun..x
KA - Good luck Aimee the staff are great at ******** I'm sure they will all look after you xxx

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