Friday, 22 December 2017


It’s a special time of year and so, to celebrate it, I wanted to do something special on I’m NOT Disordered for Christmas. I have decided to bring back the Christmassy Q&A I put together last year with the questions being from a YouTube video and have posed them to many different people from all of the country and doing all sorts of jobs, in all sorts of roles, living all kinds of lives!
So let’s kick off Day Ten of 12 Days of Christmas with I'm NOT Disordered with the answers of Special Constable Neil Patton from Northumbria Police:

1. When do you start getting excited for Christmas Day?
I start becoming excited about Christmas the middle of November. I'm involved in a few feel-good activities in December and really enjoy this time of year. Becoming excited for Christmas Day itself is a week or so days before. In someways as I enjoy it so much I don't want Christmas Day to come along too quickly as I know that marks the start of the end of that year’s celebrations.
2. Do you still have an advent calendar? If yes, which do you have and if no, when did you stop having them?
I do have an advent calendar. In fact two; one at home and one in my office. Neither are treat based and reused each year. Very quirky designs.
3. What are favourite Christmas movies?
Far too many to list but here are a few; Miracle on 34th Street (1947), Scrooge and of course Die Hard.
4. Do you have any funny Christmas stories/memories?
Many memories of Christmas. The first year my son really understood the concept of Santa and the sparkle and delight in his face. Seeing Christmas through a child’s eyes has to be one of the best experiences. As a child the year my young sister discovered Santa didn't exist. My Mam fell down the stairs late on Christmas eve carrying my Commodore VIC-20 (showing my age). Trip to A&E for the family & answering lots of questions about santa. The Vic-20 survived without a dint! My Mam had a lovely new sling for her arm.
5. What's your typical Christmas Day?
I'm up first (too excited). First job is to feed & let our dog out. Back to bed to open our stockings. Started as a bit of fun on my wife and I's first Christmas 23yrs ago. This continued and obviously includes our son, and dog (you read that right, our dog has a stocking!). Although my son is now in his 20's I do question him jumping into our bed Christmas morning! Shows you never really grow up! Then it is up and open the rest of our presents with a coffee. Call relatives. Xmas dinner & snooze. This year will be different as we lost close members of our family so will be thinking about them a lot this year.
6. What do you eat for you Christmas dinner? And what is your favourite part of it?
Very traditional turkey dinner. Love the pigs in blankets.

7. Do you have any Christmas traditions?
Christmas tree goes up on the 1st December and we still hang stockings despite all being adults.
8. What are your favourite Christmas songs?
All of them, especially the 80s classics.
9. What has been your favourite Christmas present?
When I was about 8, my Dad like many others back then was made redundant, money was tight. That Christmas he made me a battlefield from hardboard, papermache and painted it. It was very big but designed so that could slide under my bed. I played with that for hours.
10. Do you prefer a real or fake Christmas tree?
Fake, if you buy a good one it will last for many years.
11. This year, do you think you'd be on the naughty or nice list?
No comment until my brief arrives.
12. Do you prefer giving or receiving presents?
Giving, the whole point of Christmas for me is to pass on a bit of cheer / a few more smiles around this time of year can't be a bad thing.
13. Where would be your dream place to spend Christmas?
At home. I work long hours so having uninterrupted time at home is enjoyed.
14. Are you good at wrapping presents?
I'd like to say yes to this but no doubt recipients would disagree.
15. What time do you usually get up on Christmas morning? Is this different from when you were little?

Same time really around 5/6am... I'm an early bird anyway.
16. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn't real? And how did you find out?
He isn't!? (sob) - see photo
17. What is your dream Christmas present?
Not sure. It isn't always about the material things. Possibly finding out something I've done has had a really positive lasting impact on someone.
18. Have you asked for anything this year? If yes, what?
I haven't really asked for anything, much to my wife’s frustration ha
19. If you could spend Christmas with anyone - living or dead, celebrity or someone you know - who would it be?
It would be nice to spend it with those who have left us this year. Have the conversations we wish we'd had.
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