Tuesday, 23 January 2018


Friday 20th January 2018, 09:43 - ‘Congratulations Aimee your Saturday just got awesome… You and your named guest are now part of a chosen few to joing us in celebrating the all-new Google Pixel 2 with InTheFrow at our Manchester event this Saturday’

Like most girls, I like fashion.                            

It was because of this, that I began to follow InTheFrow (Victoria McGrath) on YouTube. And - not going to lie - I was kind of mesmerised by her bright purple hair!

When Victoria first began conquering social media (she not only has a YouTube channel but a blog and very popular Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest profiles) she talked about high street beauty products and fashion but has slowly veered away from this over the five years she has been working in the industry. She now mostly features luxury fashion and beauty, and then travel and some general lifestyle content. This change in her content has worked as encouragement for me to begin filtering in pieces on I’m NOT Disordered that may not be purely mental health related; and it has given me the confidence to write the things that I want to and to trust in my readers to stick with my blog and continue supporting me.

When Victoria started vlogging her everyday life?! I was fascinated! It was refreshing to see the, usually so polished and, outwardly, perfect woman; without makeup, in her pjs, and stuffing her face with cheese! Through her vlogs, I saw Victoria lose her Grandad and so one of the things that I wanted to get across to her when I met her at an exclusive party in Manchester, was the things that I wish someone had told me when I lost my Nana. And that is: the pain will dull, you’ll never forget, the happy memories will become clearer than those surrounding the death, and, to never try and put it away in a box in your head and refuse to accept it.

In the vlogs, you could also see the amount of work Victoria did ‘behind-the-scenes’ of the collaborations and partnerships with brands. Starting 2018, I decided that this year, I wanted to work harder and achieve more than I ever had, continually improving the content and inspirations behind my blog pieces/social media. And it’s still only January yet I’ve achieved my biggest dream goal for this year (soon to be revealed), saw my blog reach 5 years old, filmed for TimeTo Talk Day (February 1st!) and met my hero! And it feels so good to go to bed at the end of each day, after a hard day’s work rather than having spent the day eating and watching Netflix!

Needless to say, I was over the moon when I got the text that I’d won the competition to meet her! It was so last minute, and I’d had really big plans for the Saturday! But this was more important! I knew that I might never have a chance to do it again and some people go their entire lives without meeting their greatest influences and role models so it was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up!

Here's our trip in photos:

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