Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Happy Second Birthday, I'm NOT Disordered

Today, the blog is two years old! And it's been another amazing year! To celebrate, I've wrote this special post...

The good, the bad and the ugly - highlights of the past year:
January 2014
I celebrated I'm NOT Disordered's first Birthday!
I used a different style of writing to express my take on the definition of 'recovering', 'trauma' and a 'mum.'
I blogged about the YoungMinds VS campaign which I'd become involved in.
I blogged about how I had finally revealed my ill mental health to everyone on Facebook, and the overwhelming, supportive response, inspired readers to do the same.
I posted my first poem from the Creative Writing course I had begun.
I ranted about the use of labelling people as 'attention seeking.'
February 2014
I celebrated my 23rd Birthday up North with my Mum.
I supported #TimeToTalk Day by blogging everything my auditory hallucinations said to me that day.
I volunteered at a Time to Change event in Leeds.
Emma Baxendale, who featured in the 'Don't Call Me Crazy' programme that I reviewed, contacted me to tell me I'd inspired her to begin her own blog.
I published my first guest blogs by a sufferer of Agoraphobia and a student nurse.
I visited my best-friend.
I blogged about the Crisis Care Concordat.
I blogged in aid of Self Harm Awareness Day.
March 2014
I blogged about the campaign categories in the YoungMinds VS campaign.
I attended the National Service User Awards 2014 at Silverstone race course.
I took part in a 'flooding' therapeutic exercise, in which, I returned to the location of my trauma with staff.
I swallowed my pride and blogged about my struggles with urinary retention.
I considered what was stopping me from entering recovery and being discharged from Hospital.
April 2014
Ian Callaghan; National Service User Lead, blogged for me.
I worked on the belief that I'll die young, with the Psychologist.
I went home for Easter weekend.
I made changes to the blog after it becoming apparent that it had become a bitching forum about staff.
May 2014
I celebrated my best-friend's 21st Birthday!
I blogged about bullying.
I explained #BPDChat after finding it incredibly useful.
I lost my 'capacity' after refusing to self-catheterise.
June 2014
I posted a guest blog by Liz from YoungMinds.
The Doctors disclosed they were worried I would go into renal failure as my urinary retention began to cause back pain.
I wondered how you could be sure when it was the right time to be discharged from inpatient care.
I launched the 'BP Series.'
July 2014
I continued to post in the 'BP Series' which I had begun to mark 50,000 views.
Plans were made for my discharge from Hospital.
I guest posted for Relief from Anxiety.
I celebrated the two year anniversary of my hospital admission by posting the most memorable photos from the past year.
I attended a Consultation Event for the review into the Mental Health Act's Code of Practice.
I blogged about how I may be close to discharge, but I still have areas to work on, and things to learn.
August 2014
I faced mental health stigma from a hairdresser.
I passed kidney stones.
As many young people, celebrated their GCSE Results Day; I blogged about my own back in 2007.
I faced some challenges in my love life.
September 2014
I blogged about the Emergence event I attended.
I was discharged from section 3 of the Mental Health Act.
I visited my best-friend and had a lovely day out in Liverpool.
I blogged for World Suicide Prevention Day.
I made the decision to close down the blog as I was discharged from hospital to a 'rehab' unit.
October 2014
I had grown to regret closing the blog down and opened it back up on the 29th.
I blogged about what had happened in the past month that the blog had been down.
I debated disclosing the name of the hospital that I'd been an inpatient in.
November 2014
I blogged about the Samaritan's Radar, which caused mixed reactions from mental health service users.
I blogged about the Birmingham University research study that I'd been asked to take part in.
I had a lovely meal out with a friend and got my keys for my 'forever home.'
I completed a Wellness Recovery Action Plan.
I began attending Recovery College and blogged about some of the interesting classes.
I worked at the 'Mind UR Moustache' event for YoungMinds at Newcastle Uni.
December 2014
I blogged about settling in to my 'Forever Home' in the community.
I introduced my new kitten; Dolly, to the world.
A Peer Support worker I'd met at Recovery College, wrote a guest blog.
I struggled and self-harmed.
I found a new goal for my recovery.
I enjoyed the College Christmas Party.

Most popular post:
http://www.imnotdisordered.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/review-of-mental-health-act-1983-code.html (with 349 views)
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