Tuesday, 17 February 2015

FBMH: Q&A with Katie from 'Gold Dust'

Why did you begin blogging?
 I moved across the country and knew nobody. Blogging was a good way to fill in time and meet new people. 
What made you decide to blog about beauty and fashion?

I wanted to learn more about skincare and make up!

Do you ever blog about personal aspects of your life?

Yeah, I've tried to make my blog more "lifestyle" recently. 

If yes, what inspires you to do this?

Anything! Sometimes it's something I've baked or a place I've been. Or other times I will blog about how I'm feeling or what's going on in my life.

What do you gain from doing this?

It's nice to have a community that doesn't judge!

Why did you volunteer to be part of #FBMH?

I think it's good to speak out about MH. I've found by doing so it makes me realise I'm not alone!

How do you feel about mental health stigma?

I'd like to think it's getting less and less. However I was embarrassed and anxious about what people would say before I spoke out. People have been really supportive. 

Do you actively campaign for better mental health services or to get rid of stigma?

I actually ran a 10k a few years ago for Mind

If yes, by doing what?

Alongside charities, as well as openly discussing MH.

How did you find writing your piece for #FBMH ?

Really easy!

What has been the best moment in your blogging career so far?

Meeting new people and getting opportunities i never thought I'd get!

What has been the worst?

Sometimes there is bitchiness and negativity on social media. I try to stay clear of that!

What advice would you give someone just beginning to blog?

Be yourself! And enjoy it!

Anything else you’d like to add?

Thanks for letting me take part!
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