Saturday, 8 August 2015

10 Everyday Inspirations

1. That every day my kitten learns something new

2. I can look different depending on how I do my make-up and hair

3. At some point every day, I will smile. Never mind for which reason

4. Every morning I get up with the hope that today will be better

5. Every day something will happen that will make me grateful to be alive

6. Zoella and all of her successes

7. My Mum and all of her achievements and strength

8. That I will speak to at least one of my amazing friends that day. And they will make me laugh/smile 

9. That my views have climbed at least 1 since I last checked

10. That every day I have the chance to make things better. To change my future.

Note: To see what I've been up to recently, go see my vlogs on my YouTube channel:
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