Friday, 28 August 2015

10 Tips To Get Over 100,000 Readers

1. Honesty.
- Use your blog to publicize the truth of an aspect in your life, in order to dispel any assumptions and encourage others to open up. Always be honest with your readers about every aspect of your content; whether it's fashion, beauty or lifestyle - speaking honestly means you believe in everything you say and this makes any criticisms or trolling easier to cope with. You must also be honest with yourself and recognize when you're doing too much work or when you're being lazy and idle with regards to your blog. 
2. Niche.
- So many people are 'bloggers' now, that you need an aspect of your blog to seperate you from the masses. Even with fashion and beauty bloggers; having a different sense of fashion or a different make-up technique can make you stand out. With mental health blogging, I believe it's a lot easier to stand out but never the less, it's important to be concious of what makes this true and to use it to your advantage.
3. Dream.
- It's important to have goals, not just in life, but in blogging too. If you have nothing to aim for then you'll find yourself just puttering along with no end in sight. And once you achieve your goal, set another. The more you achieve, the higher you can set your targets/goals. And the more you achieve, the more successful your blog becomes.
4. Vary.
- It's so important to avoid your readers experiencing boredom; which can be used by a number of blogging aspects which vary from your content and layout, to the regularity of your posts. If you have decided to feature guest posts (a decision usually made in the early days of your blogging career) then it's important to keep these varied by using an electic mix of authors e.g. I have featured posts from both patients and professionals. The layout is something that can be changed less regular as it provides an aspect of your blog's identity and if considering making changes, it would be best to prepare your readers and keep them in mind when making any changes. Changing smaller parts of your blog e.g. adding an Instagram feature can be more easily changed. Finally, you must consider the regularity of publishing content with some bloggers religiously posting on particular days of the week. It's important to keep this in mind where guest posts are concerned too.
5. Respect.
- Respect is most often viewed as a mutual thing in life; treat others how you wish to be treat. But where blogging is concerned, I think it's essential to exhibit respect to your readers from the outset. You may believe, as I did, that you're blogging for yourself and aren't concerned with who reads it or the amount of views you get. But ultimately, to succeed in blogging and to be offered opportunities as a result of your blogging, you need an audience. And to maintain this, they need to be respected as highly as they are important to your blog. You'd be nowhere without your readers. Recognise this.
6. Publicity.
- Like many things in blogging, publicity may mean different things to different bloggers. Some may be content with others retweeting your blog link. Others, may strive to be in the media. I didn't have a specific publicity aspect in mind and so when others retweet my blog post links or I'm signed to an agency and on the front page of the local paper, I'm just as grateful for both. To me, the important part is that my blog is getting out there and being talked about. If just one person every day discovers my blog - whether through word-of-mouth or Googling, that makes me happy. It's also worth being aware that like all things in the media, there may be a flourish of media activity around your blog and then it might come to an abrupt end. Five minutes of fame, and all that. You can control your own publicity by tweeting particular organisations relevant to your blog post and asking them to retweet the link to it. You might also leave your blog link on relevant Facebook pages and use Instagram and Pinterest by posting new photos with blog post links.
7. Work. 
I guess this links into the previous one; you need to work hard to get any kind of publicity for your blog because it must be of a standard worthy of any means of publicity. There are many bloggers who may seem to have opportunities thrown at them but what you haven't seen is the previous five years they've been blogging/working for to finally get all of this attention. Opportunities are more meaningful when you've worked your ass off to get them. When you've earned them. 
8. Opportunities.
In the beginning of your blogging career, you may need to seek out your own opportunities, in that once you feel confident enough; approach relevant organisations and companies yourself. Once your blog has found it's feet, and word-of-mouth spreads your site address and contact details, you may find yourself being approached by the same organisations and companies that you went to. When I first worked with Time to Change, it was as a volunteer at an anti-stigma event. I had to have training for it and went unknown to the other volunteers and staff that I didn't interact with. Now, Time To Change request me to attend events with them to blog, vlog and tweet for them. And most recently, I received an e'mail from their Digital Officer saying that it would be honour to have me give the closing statement at their next big event in London! If you'd told me back at that training day over a year ago that I'd get such a request, I would've laughed you away! You can't expect opportunities to fall into your lap. You must work for them.
9. Support.
- It's natural to consider other bloggers as competition and this way of thinking can be crucial to your success by influencing your competitive streak. It can make you more aware of the standard of your blog and aid in you 'upping your game.' The desire to be better than your 'competition' will drive you to work harder and come up with new, better ideas for your blog. However, it's also important to regard other bloggers as part of your support network. When it comes down to it bloggers help one another out, and it's a sense of community where you can pass constructive criticisms in order to better your work, and to inspire one another with new ideas for each other's blog.
10. Collab.

- Collaborating with organisations, companies and bloggers can be one of the greatest things you can do with your blog. It's important to remember that a 'collab' doesn't necessarily mean a guest post. Some bloggers don't publish guest posts but have collaborations with brands e.g. InTheFrow who doesn't publish other blogger's but works with make-up companies, hairdressers and fashion brands by blogging about their work, products she's received, and the experiences they've organised for it. Personally, I collaborate in many different ways, I post guest posts to help give a more rounded view of mental health to my blog and because I can only blog what I know and experience. I also work alongside different mental health organisations by attending events, training sessions, managing their social media during events, blog about their events, vlog the events and have key people from these organisations write guest posts about their work.
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