Monday, 5 December 2016


Good Morning!!

Just THREE hours to go...!!!!

I'm very happy to promote yet another Time To Change (TTC) event; that's sure to be amazing, and full of happiness, fun, and opportunities!

I've been working with Time To Change for just over three years now, and fortunately, this has meant our very first partnership is documented here, on I'm NOT Disordered:

TTC have been, I feel, crucial in developing my passion for blogging and social media, and just speaking out about mental health in general. Until, now; I didn't know what my purpose in life was. Time To Change has helped me to find out. I almost feel like I've grown up with them... As though... Well, I see blogging as my 'career' I guess; so I think that it makes me feel like the changes in my roles and 'job descriptions' in working with them, are  similar to your typical 'promotion.' 
'Going up in the world' is maybe the closest I can get to making my weird thinking easier to understand.
From that very first event with them, I have learnt so much that's helped me to grow myself as a Blogger, and make I'm NOT Disordered into what it is today. If it weren't for Time To Change taking those first chances on me (originally as a volunteer and then, as a Social Media Manager) I wouldn't have half of the amazing opportunities and experiences I do...

SO! I hope that as many of you as possible can join me in kicking off Christmas celebrations with Time To Change!



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