Stigma in Mental Health: The role stigma plays and strategies for positive change
Date: Tuesday 8th May 2017
Venue: Village Hotel Leeds South
Raf Hamaizia - About to have dinner with @CygnetNurses and @wayne2183ac but they don't eat as much as me so I have had snack beforehand
Wayne S - and look who's just joined us, its @aimes_wilson
Raf Hamaizia - Having a catch-up with my @aimes_wilson after annoying @JulieKerry6 a little over dinner! Looking forward to tomorrow Anti-Stigma conference
09:45am - 10:00am Introduction and welcome from our Joint Chairs
Julie Kerry, Director of Nursing and Patient Experience, Cygnet Health Care and Rafik Hamaizia, Expert By Experience, Cygnet Health Care
"I'm a big fan of Recovery Colleges" - @Raf_Hamaizia #MHAW2017 #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #changestigma @cygnethealth
10:00am - 10:30am Stigma - What it means to us
Introduction to and presentation of, a short film developed and produced by service users
Introduction to and presentation of, a short film developed and produced by service users
First presentation is by Service Users from @cygnethealth Bierley #changestigma #MHAW #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
NHS Leeds West CCG - Currently watching an amazing film challenging stigma put together by service users @cygnethealth Bierley well done! #changestigma
"I feel embarrassed around my mental health with my family, and I don't want my Cousins to know" - one @cygnethealth Bierley Service User
one @cygnethealth Service User was told that "no one will ever love me because of my scars" #changestigma #MHAW #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
Adam Stewart - Kudos to @cygnethealth Bierley for that amazing anti-stigma film. A lot of hard work put in #changestigma #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek2017
during the film we heard from a Consultant Psychiatrist who talked about facing stigma towards her profession & career #changestigma #MHAW
Wayne S - Questions and feedback from the audience after watching the fantastic film from @cygnethealth Bierley service users #changestigma
Charlotte Byrne - Powerful film 'stigma, what it means to us' from Bierley
External/social and Internal/self stigma
"Label jars not people"
After watching the short film by @cygnethealth Bierley Service Users @Raf_Hamaizia said he'd found it 'informative' #changestigma #MHAW
He, @Raf_Hamaizia , also said that he felt as though the film could have been produced by professionals #MHAW #changestigma
10:30am - 11:10am Recovery Academies and their varied roles
10:30am - 11:10am Recovery Academies and their varied roles
Kevin Scallon, Lead for Recovery Academy, Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust, Peer Mentors and Experts By Experience
Cygnet Health Care - Next is Kevin Scallon with peer mentors & experts by experience from
@GMMH_NHS to talk to about the Edenfield Recovery Academy #changestigma
NHS Leeds West CCG - Listenting to
Karen Fenton - Wonderful to hear about the impact of the recovery academy in Manchester
Recovery College - Edenfield campus Recovery Academy really setting the bar high! Fantastic to see people getting so much from Recovery Academy #changestigma
Karen Fenton - Fab quote/mindset "if you can't knock the whole wall down, make a door & focus on keeping that open first" #systemchange #changestigma
Charlotte Byrne - Use feedback
Move forward
Change and develop
Don't stand still
Charlotte Byrne - Offer opportunities and make bespoke opportunities
Real world is where we want our S/Us to be
Make connections
Charlotte Byrne - EXEs can teach us something - they have 'worn the shirt' ExEs want to give back - know feeling of having nothing to do on ward
The team from @GMMH_NHS talked about the helpful feedback from those who use their Recovery Academy #changestigma #MHAW
One @GMMH_NHS Service User described the Recovery Academy as 'illuminating' and 'a great part' of their journey #MHAW #changestigma
Katherine Stephens - Fantastic start to the day, hearing from courageous service users making a difference for others @cygnethealth #changestigma
11:10am - 11:30am Refreshments
Caught up on all of my notes in time for the last 5mins of the refreshment break #changestigma #MHAW MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
Or not... everyone has gone to their workshops!! #changestigma #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #MHAW
11:30am - 12:10pm Recovery Academy Workshops - Elements of the Recovery Academy Experience
Facilitated by Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust (Delegates are invited to choose one workshop to attend)
Workshop 1: Co-Production of a Prospectus of Relevance and Personal Meaning for the Future
Charlotte Byrne - Collaborative risk CQUIN start of 'collaboration'
Relationships changed from boundaries to 'getting to know me'
Charlotte Byrne - ....
Induction to secure services
Running dialogue
Simply experienced SUs talking to new people about the journey
Charlotte Byrne - EXEs 'get the message through'
not sures = reassured
advice = making the best of opportunities
help at 'stuck' point
illustrates importance of staff attitude
focuses on important of a purposeful life beyond services and through employment opportunities
learnt that having Service Users in sessions can help with hope for their peers that find it challenging to have hope for the future
a number of people in the workshop also found the content 'powerful'
Workshop 2: Peer Mentorship Programmes - Building Capacity for Service User Involvement in Recovery Academy Activities
Shawn from Cygnet Wyke - Really good - liked it. Found it 'positive'
Adam from Leeds - liked it. Espectially likes lists of guidance which gave something to work towards
Olivia from Woking - it gave the opportunity to see something she never had before and it gave her something interesting to think about
Camiella from Bradford Cygnet - found the workshop really structural. And thought that it motivated people to think within and go deeper to find their positives and strengths that they didn't know they had!
Shaun from Humber NHS - found the workshop really reflective as it allowed you to look at positives and look into yourself and thought it a really healthy piece work
Gemma from Taunton - loved it! She thought it was admirable to give back and said her team would be adding part of the work to their service's discharge package
Workshop 3: Volunteering - Balancing Challenges and Opportunities
"It's great to hear about Service Users volunteering"
"It's good to hear about what Service Users can engage in after discharge"
"With staff organising placements for Service Users, it's helpful to have that link to the community"
"It was so sad to learn that sometimes organisations will hold such a stigma that they won't accept or work with, people with a mental health or forensic history"
12:30pm - 13:10pm Advocacy; it's role in addressing stigma
John-Paul Kozah, Business Development Manager and IMHA and Lindsey Martin, Operations Director, Advent Advocacy
Charlotte Byrne - Speak out, speak about
'Prince Harry'
High profile people speaking out against stigma
Influential research
Many shocked faces when @JPKozah pointed out this (mostly) unseen news clip from the #UnitedAirlines saga #changestigma #MHAW
13:50pm - 14:10pm Stigma - Using Technology as a Tool to Address Stigma
A Vlog by Aimee Wilson, Press Blogger
Adam Stewart - Amazing to see @aimes_wilson VLOG on the importance of blogging and how technology is a way for S/Us to reach out to the world #changestigma
Yorkshire and Humber - Amazing Vlog from @aimes_wilson @cygnethealth conference #changestigma #open #honest #candid #inspiring #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
NHS Leeds West CCG - inspirational talk from @aimes_wilson on how blogging and technology can #changestigma in #mentalhealth #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek2017
Recovery College - We're all human! @aimes_wilson speaking about the value of technology in recovery. Well done, so proud #changestigma
14:10pm - 14:50pm Mental Health First Aid - its role in assisting organisations to address mental health stigma
Cygnet Health Care - We are now hearing from Holly & Angela from @MHFAEngland - there are now over 120k mental health first aiders in England #changestigma
[when discussing Stigma being the perception that a certain attribute makes a person unacceptably different from others, leading to prejudice and discrimination against them] Recovery College - It effects even the strongest of us! #changestigma
When @Juliekerry6 is glued to her phone! #changestigma #MHAW @CygnetNurses
Angela Pereira - #changestigma Mental Health First Aid, lets help them to achieve 1 in 10 people trained and understanding MH and reducing stigma.
Wayne S - @YumberNetwork Holly Alix explains her involvement with Mental Health First Aid England (MHFA) #changestigma @burmic @ianmcallaghan
Cygnet Health Care - 'Together we can train 1 in 10 of the population in Mental Health First Aid skills' - Angela @MHFAEngland #changestigma
Charlotte Byrne - Early intervention and prevention
Non judgemental listening skills
Guaranteed to have a lot of content when this guy (@mattofthedales ) is in charge of the @cygnethealth account #changestigma #MHAW
16:20pm - 16:30pm Summation and close
Charlotte Byrne - "Together is the only way to challenge stigma" closing msg @Juliekerry6
Thank you Cygnet for a wonderful inspirational day
Wayne S - Raf = "who the hell is Oscar Wilde" #changestigma
Charlotte Byrne - Oscar Wilde inspires @Raf_Hamaizia summary of the day 'We have come a long way - but there is a way to go" ExEs are the way...
Slight delay in tweets from #changestigma due to lots of compliments, introductions to important people, & invitations! #bloglife
Angela Pereira - A very warm and inspiring day at #changestigma conference with a few of my very warn and inspiring team members
To read Cygnet's report on the event click here