Tuesday, 22 October 2019


When all the tears are rolling down your face

And it feels like yours was the only heart to break

When you come back home and all the lights are out, ooh

And you're getting used to no one else being around

Oh, oh, I'll be there

When you need a little love, I got a little love to share

Yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna come through

You'll never be alone, I'll be there for you

Jess Glynne - I'll Be There

To celebrate Emmy's very first Adoptaversary I'm honoured to say that Bandana Bowtique gave me the opportunity to design a bandana for pets that will be sold on their Etsy shop! Having discovered how good it feels to have adopted a pet; I thought that this little slogan (Adopt Don't Shop) would be perfect!
You can also get 15% off any of their products with the code IMNOTDISORDERED at the checkout! 

Dear Emmy,

Happy First Adoptaversary!

I’m so sorry for the start you had in life - I wish I knew who had dumped you on the streets when you were only a few weeks old because I would kick their ass from here to next week! I’m so grateful that Willows Cat Adoption Center found you and helped you get to the point where I could adopt you! I think that being dumped made you a little fighter though! You’re strong-willed and unafraid (even of the Vets!). I’d like to think that makes you a little like me; you’ve had your courage and fight tested by hardships in life and you’ve come out the other side, the winner.

I love that Willows did a personality match on us so that we were paired together without even seeing one another; it means so much that even the professionals think we’re well-suited for one another!

I’m also sorry that adopting you came out of such a terrible situation in that it only happened because I lost Dolly but know that she’d be happy for us both. Dolly was the kind of cat who would think if she had to go to save another life then it was worth it. She was thoughtful and kind to the extreme. And even though so many people thought it was too soon to adopt you, I knew you were the right kitten for me and that you were perfect for the little family I already have with your bunny-sister Pixie.

When I first saw you, I couldn’t breathe. In that instant moment, I knew you were special. I knew that even though you’re you, there’s a piece of Dolly in you too. Of course, you’re a completely different cat and you have your own little personality, but it almost feels like she sent you to me. I used to imagine and look forward to the day when I would have children and Dolly could meet them for the first time but losing her, I’ve lost that excitement, but I’ve managed to transfer it to you. I can imagine you being there through some important milestones in my life like having children and moving to a new house and finally being able to work. It saddens me to think that Dolly has seen me through so much with my mental health and now she doesn’t get to see my stability, so I  have to concentrate on the fact that at least you (and Pixie) do.

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