Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday dear Aimee,
Happy Birthday to me!
- Blogging opportunities come to those who work for them.
- It is not a sign of weakness to admit you were bullied; it says more about those who bullied you than it does about yourself.
- Kittens are good company, and fun to watch.
- Once you accept that you are hallucinating, use this to teach yourself that if your brain controls them, then you can make them funny instead of scary.
- You won't get better, if you don't ask for help.
- Being on medication is nothing to be ashamed of; are you safe? Are you happy? That's all that matters.
- "Say 'yes' more" ala Zoella
- You can feel comforted by the idea of death without it meaning you are suicidal.
- Your idea of recovery is formed from what others expect. Your actual recovery is the way you make it.
- If you want something then saving up and buying it yourself feels so much better than waiting until Christmas.
- When you're young you believe that you won't be accepted unless you copy. In life, you will never be accepted if you copy.
- Knowing there's hard times coming shouldn't make you sad and anxious about them; use it to enjoy the good times and make the most of them.
- If material things are important to you; you aren't shallow. Use them to motivate you along your journey into discovering what is more important.
- It is good to have a positive inspiration; someone who makes you push yourself and work as hard as you can to better yourself. And your blog!
- Do what you enjoy; if that's playing computer games, reading, learning new make-up techniques then go for it; don't let other's opinion spoil your fun.
- Don't abuse your body; it'll come in useful!
- Acknowledging your skills and the things you are good at, is not big-headed.
- Don't lose your voice at fear of the strength of others.
- Take turns in following your heart and your head.
- If you want to stay in bed with DVDs and food; go for it. Have a 'me' day in between the days you work incredibly hard.
- If you feel as though you regret a decision/action; make sure you learn something from it and then cross it off the list. You can't die with regrets from living.
- Don't let others' reviews on books and movies etc, stop you from experiencing them; everyone is different.
- Never go to sleep on an argument.
- Tell the people who you love, that you love them. Every day.