Friday, 23 October 2015

Let's Think About It - A guest blog by Keiran Mulvaney | 'Ad'

Hi, I'm Keiran Mulvaney and I'm the founder of 'Let's Think About It.' It is a youth-led social action organisation, aiming to challenge the stigmatisation of mental health issues in young people, whilst raising awareness of the struggles they face.
In February we launched our 'I'm Fine' campaign video, which shows the effect that negative or improper use of mental health terminologies can have on someone who lives with mental health issues.
We chose this topic as almost all of us have heard at some point in school or the work place heard comments such as 'you're so OCD' or 'I'm so depressed that I didn't make the football team.' Depression, OCD and many other frequently misused similar terms relate to real, devastating mental health problems and shouldn't be used to make throwaway remarks. We recognise the harmful effects that this can have on sufferers and the delay it can cause in the time it takes them to seek advice or consult someone about their issue. Our aims are to:

  • Confront the stigmas that surround mental health
  • Support campaigns for mental health 
  • Give young people more information on mental health disorders
  • Make those with mental health issues aware of the resources they can access for support
  • Work towards developing a attitude towards mental health which allows those facing mental health issues to seek help without fear or embarrassment
We believe that these aims will help our organisation to work towards improvements in all areas of mental health, not just the end issue. At Let's Think, we firmly believe in care at the source and not just after the issue has been there a while. We pride ourselves on being one of few campaigns that campaign for better services and treatments from the outset and tackling stigmas that delay and harm people rather than just campaigning for more funding into the area to treat the problems. That said, we do see very clearly the need for more funding to maintain and improve mental health services. We understand the important role of funding in treating any illness, and want to see a fairer proportion of budgets attributed to mental health - equal to physical illnesses.

Twitter: @letsthinkchange
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