- There will be scheduled content every three to four days, which will be adapted should anything that was not planned for arises
- Exciting collabs with previous and new people and organisations and variations to the usual methods of I'm NOT Disordered's collaborations (if you'd like to work with I'm NOT Disordered in 2016 please email aimeewilson@live.co.uk or tweet
@aimes_wilson ) - I'm NOT Disordered's 3rd Birthday
- The possibility of a new layout and design
- The first planned Series for 2016 will be '10 Things You Should Know About...'
- A new, Seasonal Bucket List posted on the first day of the beginning of each season
- More publicity/media work
- Lots more fun and exciting events
- Facilitating blogging workshops at two local colleges
- Ideally, I'd love for my views to be near 200k but based on my usual statistics, that might be a little unreasonable. But yeah, that'd be my dream.
Thursday 31 December 2015