Tuesday, 13 September 2016

PRE-EVENT PROMO DAY TWO - Enhancing Mental Health Multi-agency Partnerships | Ad

For some time now, I've been working alongside Inspector Steve Baker, the Mental Health Lead for Northumbria Police, and Claire Andre, Police Liason Lead for Northumberland Tyne & Wear (NTW) NHS, on many different projects. And this event, is the next to become public!
On Thursday 15th September, the Enhancing Mental Health Multi-agency Partnerships event will be held (details in above photo) and I've been asked to deliver a presentation on my experiences (good and bad) with the Police in regards to mental health. So on every day for the next three days, there will be a post about the event.
To keep up with the excitement, plans, thoughts, questions and general goings-on, use the hashtag #multiagencyNE on Twitter

[exclusive to I'm NOT Disordered and NHS]
Inspector Steve Baker, lead for Mental Health at Northumbria Police, said: “It is vitally important that we work closely with our partners to deliver the best possible service to those suffering from mental health problems in our region."
“We have introduced a street triage team made up of police officers and mental health nurses and that team ensures those in contact with Police, in crisis, see a mental health professional and are assessed or signposted to the correct pathway to meet their needs."
“This Force is committed to ensure we support people in need and are delighted that working closely with NTW has been such a success."

Inspector Steve Baker (Mental Health Lead for Northumbria Police) on the upcoming event:
Northumbria police and NTW are really excited to be hosting a mental health conference highlighting all the great work which is happening in the North East. 130 delegates from all over the country from Northern Ireland to Devon and Cornwall with representatives from mental health trusts, acute trusts, police forces, ambulance trusts, the voluntary sector, service users are all represented. Can't wait...!
And on the importance of the partnership between NTW and Northumbria Police: 
Working in partnership is absolutely key to ensuring we are delivering an efficient and effective service which puts the needs of patients at the heart of all we do.
And on working with Experts by Experience (like me!):
The involvement of Experts by Experience are crucial to make sure that professionals really understand what it is to go through a crisis. We are delighted that there is such a willingness to work along us and share experiences in order to help others.
And finally, on how Experts by Experience are already making a difference:
The launch of our new multi agency simulation project respond to help all partners fully understand the s136 process via shared learning is the perfect example. It's the first of its kind in the country. Experts by Experience were part of the planning stages, acted the roles for the film and will be key members of the training team.
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