Enhancing Patient Experience - Professionals, Patients and Power: A Paradigm Shift in Healthcare Delivery
with Cygnet HealthCare
I'll be using this post to give you all a little bit of insight into the Twitter buzz from #EnhancingPatientExp16
You can watch the vlog of the event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1F8A9-5BQ0
You can watch the vlog of the event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1F8A9-5BQ0

Room service menu wasn't looking good... so I missioned off and found a Burger King
"They gave me a diagnosis that I could understand. I didn't like it - I thought 'oh! Another one!'" - Iris Benson #EnhancingPatientExp16
Iris Benson talks of two important staff interview qs 'when did you last smile?' & 'when did you last apologise?' #EnhancingPatientExp16
RETWEET: Emily Kobelis
RETWEET: Vicky McNally
RETWEET: Emily Kobelis
We need to support each other during change; Service Users and Co-Workers! Empowering statement by Iris Benson Cygnet Healthcare #EnhancingPatientExp16
RETWEET: Vicky McNally
We are not a tick box or a target we are individuals *thumbs up* #coproduction matters & enables recovery #EnhancingPatientExp16 Iris Benson
Carer, John Hendel, admits originally being reluctant to tell people his daughter was sectioned #EhancingPatientExp16
Initially he and his wife wondered why she couldn't just 'pull herself together' or just take a pill #EnhancingPatientExp16
Personally, I felt that it was enlightening to help understand what my Mum went through whilst I was poorly #EnhancingPatientExp
Personally, I felt that it was enlightening to help understand what my Mum went through whilst I was poorly #EnhancingPatientExp
RETWEET: Vicky McNally
John Hendle providing Father's perspective talking about impact of #Stigma & lack of support & engagement with #Carers #EnhancingPatientExp16
RETWEET: Vicky McNally
John Hendle why jargon is unhelpful & how communication is key to enhancing patient and family experience *thumbs up* #EnhancingPatientExp16
RETWEET: Emily Kobelis
Humbling to hear such an amazing presentation from John Hendle about our work Cygnet Healthcare Beckton #proud #EnhancingPatientExp16
RETWEET: Vicky McNally
John Hendle talking about his daughter's involvement in reducing restrictions. Powerful testimony from expert by exp. #EnhancingPatientExp16
Been introduced to SOOOOO many lovely people in the refreshments break #EnhancingPatientExp16
Been introduced to SOOOOO many lovely people in the refreshments break #EnhancingPatientExp16
[Note: At this point, my TalkTalk broadband broke and I went through a lot of drama, and hours of frustrating phone calls to find the source of the problem and have it repaired and so, there's a large gap from this tweet until the next]
RETWEET: Vicky McNally
Up next Sian Rees from Oxford AHSN recognising & managing sharing power & unconscious anxieties #EnhancingPatientExp16
RETWEET: Vicky McNally
Sian Rees at #EnhancingPatientExp16 Need to challenge what the system values. Why empathy matters

RETWEET: Emily Kobelis
Are we providing outcomes or outputs? Interesting talk Cygnet Healthcare #EnhancingPatientExp16
Coming up next for the blog posts on this event, will be more details on the presentations from, what I believe to be, two of the key speakers; Iris Benson and John Hendle...