Thursday, 29 September 2016

Enhancing Multi-Agency Partnerships Event #MultiAgencyNE - MORNING SESSION | Ad

To better understand this post, please read the previous one from the 'VERY BEGINNING' of the event: #MultiAgencyNE

Opening Addresses
Assistant Chief Constable Jo Farrell, Northumbria Police
Claire Andre: ACC Farrell speaking today about the importance of partnerships and #mentalhealth #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: "We need to ensure we deliver care in a timely way." Northumbria Police ACC Jo Farrell #MultiAgencyNE #mentalhealth
Michael Brown OBE: "There is still some debate nationally about what the rold of the police should be." - ACC Jo Farrell, Northumbria Police, #MultiAgencyNE
Michael Brown OBE: Only two people were taken in to police custody under s136 in Northumbria Police, only because each of them were very violent" #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: "No one under the age of 18 taken into Northumbria Police custody under s136 over 2015/16" - ACC Jo Farrell #MultiAgencyNE
Northumbria Police: ACC Farrell: "This #MultiAgencyNE is an opportunity to illustrate fantastic partnership work and network with people to share best practice"

John Lawlor, Chief Executive, Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Claire Andre: NTW NHS' John Lawlor is now speaking about the fantastic staff in the trust & partnerships. #MultiAgencyNE
Michael Brown OBE: Now hearing from John Lawlor at #MultiAgencyNE - their s136 suite "has cobwebs on it because it's rarely used."
N'land, T&W NHS: Chief exec John Lawlor - very proud of work done in street triage to get people the right support #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): Hearing from John Lawlor at #MultiAgencyNE about "disparity of esteem" in #MentalHealth. Refreshingly honest account of health provision
Michael Brown OBE: Good points, well made by John Lawlor about the ongoing 'disparity of esteem' in mental health funding and provision. #MultiAgencyNE

Overview and Forward Look of Multi-agency Working and Collaboration
Jim Symington, Symington-Tinto Health and Social Care Consultancy
Claire Andre: Jim Symington is talking about the Crisis Care Concordat national overview and picture so far... #MultiAgencyNE
Michael Brown OBE: Jim Symington is a consultant who has been key in the Crisis Care Concordat nationally. Now speaking at #MultiAgencyNE
Michael Brown OBE: Jim Symington pointing out the Policing and Crime Bill is being discussed in the House of Lords today and is nearly law. #MultiAgencyNE
Michael Brown OBE: Hearing the use of police cells for s136 MHA is massively down - no mention that use of s136 itself is massively up, though! #MultiAgencyNE
Devon and Cornwall Police Street Triage: Needs based services. "The needs of Newcastle are not the same as the needs for Lambeth or Devon" - Jim Symington #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): Jim Symington discussing what needs to be done in #mentalhealth crisis prevention/care. Resources don't meet aspirations though #MultiAgencyNE

Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) - A joint approach for Safeguarding Adults
Detective Chief Inspector Deborah Alderson, Safeguarding Department, Northumbria Police and Julie Critchon, Business Manager, MASH, Gateshead Council
Claire Andre: We are hearing about #MASH and the work happening with Northumbria Police safeguarding team #MultiAgencyNE
Northumbria Police: DCI Alderson talking about Multi-Agency Safety Hubs and the success we've had with them in Gateshead #MultiAgencyNE
Northumbria Police: DCI Alderson: "MASH focuses on serial victims of domestic abuse - working with partner agencies to safeguard those affected." #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): Good to hear that response's geared towards individual need, not just risk. Very victim focused #MultiAgencyNE
Claire Andre: Some scary stats about #DomesticViolence in the #NorthEast area. Highest in Ncle than any other area #MultiAgencyNE
Northumbria Police: DCI Alderson: "27% of all perpetrators of domestic violence had previous experience of mental health issues"
Claire Andre: Interesting factors in the perprator of #DomesticViolence #MultiAgencyNE
Devon and Cornwall Police Street Triage: "27% of Domestic abuse perpetrators have mental health issues..." - DCI Deborah Alderson. That's quite a provoking statistic. #MultiAgencyNE
Northumbria Police: DCI Alderson: "mental health issues are the biggest pre-cursor to domestic abuse - ahead of physical health and finances"#MultiAgencyNE
Michelle Trainer NHS: Very interesting presentation for using a MASH to support victims of DV. Wide range of services collocated, great stuff #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): Most common vulnerabilities are substance misuse, domestic abuse and #mentalhealth - and too often, all three #MultiAgencyNE

Claire Andre: A message to the delegates of #MultiAgencyNE from MP Sarah Newton, Safeguarding Minister, on the work in the #NorthEast
Devon and Cornwall Police Street Triage: Hearing about lots of essential work in #mentalhealth across the UK. MP Sarah Newton let's keep the momentum up! #MultiAgencyNE

Refreshment Break
Esther Beadle: So #MultiAgencyNE is trending! NTW NHS and Northumbria Police working together to improve #mentalhealth services
David O'Brien: what a great start to the day...

Police Negotiators Role in Crisis and Partnership Working
Detective Inspector Graeme Rowlings, Northumbria Police
Claire Andre: The fabulous D/Insp G Rowlings talking about role of #Police Negotiators. #MultiAgencyNE
Devon and Cornwall Police Street Triage: DI Grahame Rowlings talking about Police Negotiators. Just brilliant. Nope. It's not witchcraft! #MultiAgencyNE
Claire Andre: What a very funny man D/Insp Rowlings is... Getting the serious message across in a humorous way #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: Fascinating, funny and poignant stuff from Insp Graeme Rowlings on police negotiation. #MultiAgencyNE
David O'Brien: Inspiring talk about the role of police negotiators in mental health crisis #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: Active listening from negotiator means person begins to sort-of-like them, better chance of a good outcome. Listening is key.` #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: Information Sharing Protocol means #NHS can give police good guidance about the best way to help someone. And vice versa. #MultiAgencyNE

Devon and Cornwall Police Street Triage: Looking forward to hearing about 'Respond' from Dr Tacchi #MultiAgencyNE
Respond Multi-agency Simulation Training
Dr Mary Jayne Tacchi, Consultant Psychiatrist, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust and Mark Tunney, Engagement & Co-production Worker, Fulfilling Lives
Claire Andre: #Respond multiagency simulation training the official launch Dr Tacchi & Mark Tunney #MultiAgencyNE
Michael Brown OBE: Hearing from Dr Tacchi about 'RESPOND' simulation training for s136 of the Mental Health Act #MultiAgencyNE
Terry Nelson: The amazing Dr Tacchi, Mark Tunney talking about service user involvement in #MultiAgencyNE
Claire Andre: Dr Tacchi talking about why Respond simulation training is different to others... We did it together from the beginning #MultiAgencyNE
Claire Andre: Respond was also Terry Nelson's acting debut - Oscar winning performances! #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: N'Land, T&W NHS's Dr Tacchi on #RESPOND training - getting everyone in "someone else's shoes" #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): Great immersive training on #mentalhealth & #police work! Involving experts by experience vital #MultiAgencyNE
Claire Andre: Hearing how the use of real people in simulation & not actors is important. They know what it's like! #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: Next up, expert by experience Mark Tunney on #RESPOND training #MultiAgencyNE
Claire Andre: Fabulous hearing how Mark Tunney found it useful to know the professionals perspectives. #Respond #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: Mark: "One of the biggest things about our involvement is equality for service users, experts by experience, in the process." #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: Mark: "Having one guy involved there, he had been on top of a bridge. He knew the emotions and the fear..." #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): Involving experts by experience aids compassion & understanding of individual need/feelings - not just the risks #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: Mark: "We found often people got caught up on doing their job the best they could, and forgot about the person & how they feel." #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: Fantastic speech from Mark Tunney on the importance of having experts by experience. Bang on #MultiAgencyNE
Terry Nelson: Can't believe how empowering it feels to be a service user with a voice. Claire Andre and Dr Tacchi #MultiAgencyNE thanks #wedorecover
Terry Nelson: Thanks to Mark Tunney for your faith, support and guidance. Most importantly the trust you show in me. #MultiAgencyNE

The role of the PCC in Supporting the Mental Health of Communities
Vera Baird QC, Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria

Claire Andre: Hearing from Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner about the importance of #MentalHealth & #Partnerships. #MultiAgencyNE
Michael Brown OBE: Now hearing from Vera Baird - the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner is addressing #MultiAgencyNE and highlighting Street Triage.
Esther Beadle: Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner praises NTW NHS on its recent #outstanding rating - one of the first #MH trust to achieve that. #MultiAgencyNE
Northumbria Police: Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner praises triage for keeping mental health sufferers out of custody. Said it's also reduced demand on officers #MultiAgencyNE
Claire Andre: Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner talking about the importance of #InfoSharing need to know & legal basis but helps service users get care needed #MultiAgencyNE
Northumbria Police: Lastly from Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner: "Well done to you all and thank you for coming. Let's all work together to share best practice" #MultiAgencyNE

Claire Andre: We're coming up to the morning Q&A from the speakers... I'm sure we'll have lots of questions. #MultiAgencyNE


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