Saturday, 8 October 2016

Enhancing Multi-Agency Partnerships Event #MultiAgencyNE - AFTERNOON/FINAL SESSION | Ad

To better understand this post, please read the first post of the 'VERY BEGINNING,' and the second post from the 'MORNING SESSION' of #MultiAgencyNE

CumbriaMHCop: Great morning so far. Very inspirational. #MultiAgencyNE
Terry Nelson: Great morning @ #MultiAgencyNE ...
Claire Andre: Local people will be able to hear from Northumbria Police's Steve Baker, Aimee Wilson and I on Made in Tyne and Wear tonight at 6:30pm. #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): Being among likeminded people at #MultiAgencyNE seminar!...
Northumbria Police: Big thanks to Aimee Wilson who works with us to deliver the best service to mental health sufferers #MultiAgencyNE

Kirsty Smith: Afternoon session starting with 'Street Triage the North East way' a fantastic partnership that works for Northumbria police #MultiAgencyNE
Street Triage - The North Easy Way
PC Barrett Aldwinckle, Northumbria Police and Joan Stock, Street Triage/IRS Team Manager, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Claire Andre: Great hearing about Northumbria Police and NTW NHS #StreetTriage model... #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle:"#StreetTriage works well because of the commitment from NTW NHS and Northumbria Police" - #MultiAgencyNE
Alison Booth: Effective Street Triage needs dedicated team and organisation commitment #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: NTW NHS' Joan Stock (street triage/IRS Team Manager) says communication is key to things going smoothly #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: About 3,000 incoming telephone calls a week, 73% answered in 15 seconds. #IRS #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: NTW NHS #IRS helps in about 60 crisis incidents a week. #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): Great initiative (IRS)! Hope it'll be extended to other areas to improve urgent #mentalhealth responses #MultiAgencyNE

Maintaining Partnerships in a modern Mental Health Access Service
Helen Pike, Clinical Manager, Crisis Services and Steve Cull, Approved Mental Health Practicioner Lead, Sunderland City Council
Esther Beadle: Now NTW NHS' Helen Pike on how crisis services have been massively improved - though we're always aware there is more to do. #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: Back in 2011, there was barely any specific crisis service for older people or learning disabilities. There is now. #MultiAgencyNE
Claire Andre: Hearing from AMHP Steve Cull about the work done in Sunderland improving the MHA Pathway. #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: "Action under #MentalHealth Act can also cover those affected by acute brain injury, or even adverse reaction to medication" #MultiAgencyNE
David O'Brien: #MultiAgencyNE barriers to innovation in mental health crisis care come in all shapes and sizes

Tony Gray: #MultiAgencyNE things that come through strongly today are the commitment of the people at the front line to make changes and leadership. 
The Value of the Mental Health Liason Officers & Clinical Police Liaison Lead with in-patient services
PC Anthony Pattison, Mental Health Liason Officer, Northumbria Police and Claire Andre, Clinical Police Liaison Lead, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Claire Andre: Now we are hearing about my role and MH Liason Officer role within Northumbria Police working with hospitals. #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: Great stuff on role of #mentalhealth liason police officers at #MultiAgencyNE
Northumbria Police: PC Anthony Pattison was crucial in changing how we deal with mental health sufferers in person in our region #MultiAgencyNE
Michael Brown OBE: The estimable Claire Andre is now taking the stage at #MultiAgencyNE - talking about why her very unique role came about.
Esther Beadle: From ace Northumbria Police Sgt Anthony Pattison - why we need #MentalHealth liason police officers. #MultiAgencyNE
Kirsty Smith: Northumbria Police what a great input from PC Anthony Pattison, "what price can you put on prevention & diversion," very proud. #MultiAgencyNE
Morpeth Police (of Northumbria Police): #Proud of #MorpethNPT A/Sgt Pattison. Working hard & breaking down barriers at our local hospitals #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): Role of #mentalhealth Liason Officer shows importance of named neighbourhood #police officer responsible for MH hospitals. #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: NTW NHS' fab Claire Andre up now... On why we need #NHS Clinicians liaising with police. #MultiAgencyNE
Michael Brown OBE: How to build effective relationships with the Police? "Buy them doughnuts!" says Claire Andre's 7yr old son. #wiselad #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: Claire Andre on #mentalhealth perceptions - "do you still lie everyone on a couch?" #MultiAgencyNE *The answer is no, by the way
Esther Beadle: "Having a clinical to go straight to means police get good, immediate guidance on what help someone needs in a crisis." #MultiAgencyNE
Michael Brown OBE: "Why can't the police just arrest people?!" ask MH; "Why can't you just keep them locked in Hospital?!" ask Police - Claire Andre #MultiAgencyNE
Kirsty Smith: Claire Andre loved your quote, re partnership working in mental health it's about "learning & adapting together" #MultiAgencyNE
Northumbria Police: Don't think we could have achieved all the things we have done without her (Claire Andre) support #TeamWork #MultiAgencyNE
Michael Brown OBE: By far the best presentation of the day: Claire Andre - strategic and operational: knows what she's trying to achieve #MultiAgencyNE

The role and achievements of Liaison and Diversion in Custody & Courts
Maria Leonard, Team Manager, Liaison & Diversion and Bev Bowery, North East Strategy & Project Manager, HMCTS
Esther Beadle: The courts and justice system understanding #mentalhealth is also vital to making sure people get what they need - #MultiAgencyNE
Michael Brown OBE: Hearing about Liaison and Diversion in the North-East: so I'm hoping to hear when we should liaise and when we should divert. #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: There are now six peer support workers for people in the criminal justice system - #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): Collaborative #mentalhealth training for CPS, judiciary & probation as well as #police should be a fact, not a wish #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: In Bedlington there wasn't a place for #mentalhealth in custody. There is now. Let's keep going. #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): Speedier justice, as not waiting weeks for #mentalhealth reports #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: One case of a male charged with 2X familial murder has severe #MH problems, case dealt with in 18 weeks, rather than a year. #MultiAgencyNE One outcome of #mentalhealth teams being able to get involved straight away in justice system. #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): So many opportunities to do even more to improve how #police & #mentalhealth services work together to keep people safe! #MultiAgencyNE

Esther Beadle: So #MultiAgencyNE is trending again. All about communication and engagement. #Twitter is a perfect place for it!

Involvement of Service Users or Experts - Increasing Awareness around Mental Health
Inspector Steve Baker, Force Mental Health Lead, Northumbria Police and Aimee Wilson, 'I'm NOT Disordered' Blogger and Expert by Experience
Old Bill (Scott): Steve Baker extols virtues of working with experts by experience to share mutual understanding, inc. gaining service user feedback #MultiAgencyNE
Claire Andre: We are watching a video made with #ExpertsByExperience about importance of partnerships in working with police #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: "Important to realise we all have mental health, whether well or poorly." - Aimee Wilson on Northumbria Police video for #MH professionals #MultiAgencyNE
David O'Brien: (the video is) Inspiring me to do better #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): Fantastic to hear (in the video) how simple empathy can help improve #police response to #mentalhealth crises #MultiAgencyNE
Northumbria Police: One of the driving forces behind #MultiAgencyNE is our Insp Steve Baker. Thanks for bringing us together. #Proud
Old Bill (Scott): Steve Baker reinforces need for adults with capacity to be accountable for their criminal actions, as well as getting help #MultiAgencyNE
 (Behind the scenes photos of my interview for Made in Tyne and Wear)
Claire Andre: Aimee Wilson is now telling us her story - she is giving us an honest account. #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): Aimee Wilson shares her recovery story (inc. Mindfulness!). Important to understand that people are NOT their diagnosis! #MultiAgencyNE
Nicola Morrow: Very moving account by Aimee Wilson - check out her blog #MultiAgencyNE
Sgt. Ash Hopper: Well done Aimee Wilson!!! Very brave young lady. Inspiring and teaching us professionals a thing or two! #MultiAgencyNE #imnotdisordered
Alison Booth: #MultiAgencyNE impressive lady.
Tony Gray: Well done Aimee Wilson thank you for sharing your experiences #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): Aimee Wilson addresses "attention seeker" & "aggression" labels. If suicidal, behaviours aren't always rational/explicable #MultiAgencyNE
Claire Andre: Aimee Wilson is talking about how damaging the 'attention seeking label' can be for a person. #MultiAgencyNE
Northumbria Police:Final speaker is the wonderful Aimee Wilson - an expert by experience and an #inspiration to us all #MultiAgencyNE
Claire Andre: Aimee Wilson says we need to improve by #partnerships and #WorkingTogether for the benefits of those we care for #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: "Don't blame each other," says Aimee Wilson "it's not going to help the service user." - #MultiAgencyNE
Kirsty Smith: Aimee Wilson, really impactive to hear how agencies blaming each other can have a direct impact on service users mental health #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): Aimee Wilson believes caged #police vehicles & handcuffs must be last resort for people in #mentalhealth crisis #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): (from Aimee Wilson) Providing continua reassurance to let people know that #police really are there to help is crucial #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: Aimee Wilson: Reassurance, especially on hallucinations and s136, is really needed #MultiAgencyNE
Old Bill (Scott): (from Aimee Wilson) Sometimes engaging in conversation helps drown out auditory hallucinations. Ask if it helps... #MultiAgencyNE
Devon and Cornwall Police Street Triage Team: Thank you Aimee Wilson, absolutely vital to hear things from your perspective to help us all move forward. #MultiAgencyNE
CumbriaMHCop: Very moving talk from Aimee Wilson #MultiAgencyNE
Alan Lynam: #MultiAgencyNE ... fantastic personal account that shows the need for partnership working Aimee Wilson thank you

Closing Comments
Claire Andre, Clinical Police Liason Lead, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
NTW NHS: So many shout-outs to Claire Andre today for her work on #MultiAgencyNE - we're very proud!
Esther Beadle: A round of applause for NTW NHS's Claire Andre and all her hard work on this. #MultiAgencyNE

Esther Beadle: Today has been about sharing, we're not perfect but we need to stand together and learn from what goes wrong #MultiAgencyNE
Esther Beadle: And there we have it. Great day of sharing what NTW and Northumbria Police have learnt together #MultiAgencyNE
CumbriaMHCop: Great conference today #MultiAgencyNE Thanks to all the speakers and all that made it happen #mentalhealth
Mark Tunney: Loved being part of #MultiAgencyNE today truly a wonderful experience
'theterriblezodin': Been following tweets - some great work going on up there... #MultiAgencyNE
Alison Booth: Lots of great multi-agency working in North East crucially sharing information and outcomes #MultiAgencyNE

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