Thursday, 21 December 2017


It’s a special time of year and so, to celebrate it, I wanted to do something special on I’m NOT Disordered for Christmas. I have decided to bring back the Christmassy Q&A I put together last year with the questions being from a YouTube video and have posed them to many different people from all of the country and doing all sorts of jobs, in all sorts of roles, living all kinds of lives!
So let’s kick off Day Nine of 12 Days of Christmas with I'm NOT Disordered with the answers of Caroline Wild, Deputy Director of Communications and Corporate Relations at Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust.
1.       When do you start getting excited for Christmas Day?
My daughter says the 1st December is the second best day of the year because you can start getting festive then – so we take her advice and start on 1st December. (25th Dec is her 1st best day of the year!)
2. Do you still have an advent calendar? If yes, which do you have and if no, when did you stop having them? 
I’ve never been a great advent calendar fan, but the kids love them.  I send a Star Wars Lego one to my son at Uni this year.
3. What are favourite Christmas movies?
Elf (obviously) but I also secretly like watching Serendipity.  I love to think that if something is meant to happen it will.
4. Do you have any funny Christmas stories/memories?
I have a terrible memory! 
5. What's your typical Christmas Day?
It depends if we have the kids or not.  If it’s a kids year we get up very early and do presents first thing and then bacon sandwiches.  We then go out and visit my eldest daughter at her home – she has complex disabilities and lives nearby with a fabulous staff team. We tend to have Christmas Dinner in the middle of the afternoon and then sleep it off!  If the kids are with their dad on Christmas Day then we do all of the above on Boxing Day!
6. What do you eat for you Christmas dinner? And what is your favourite part of it?
I LOVE Christmas dinner.  we have the traditional turkey.  Lots of pigs in blankets and Tim (my husband) makes the best Roast Potatoes and Yorkshire puddings – I know the Yorkshires are controversial, but the kids insist. 
7. Do you have any Christmas traditions?
We have a kids book – ‘Santa Claus has a busy night’ that I got for my son from a charity shop in 2001.  We always read it on Christmas Eve.  Its looking a bit tattered now.
8. What are your favourite Christmas songs?
Baby its cold outside – I’d love to sing a duet with Will Ferrell dressed as an Elf!
  9. What has been your favourite Christmas present?
ooh difficult question!  I love the unique gifts that the kids have made over the years!
10. Do you prefer a real or fake Christmas tree?
Has to be real.
11. This year, do you think you'd be on the naughty or nice list? 
I don’t know where this year has gone – I’ve been so busy that I’ve not had time to be naughty!
12. Do you prefer giving or receiving presents?
13. Where would be your dream place to spend Christmas?
at home – can’t think of anywhere I would rather be.
14. Are you good at wrapping presents?
I’m OK at it, but my daughter is an amazing wrapper – she is like a Christmas Elf.
15. What time do you usually get up on Christmas morning? Is this different from when you were little?
I tend to get up when the kids do – except for last year when I had to get up at 6 to put the turkey on and the kids all slept in!
16. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn't real? And how did you find out?
Is he not real?
17. What is your dream Christmas present?
This has been quite a tricky year and we’ve had a lot of illness in the family – so all I’m wishing for is that we have a happy and healthy Christmas and avoid any unexpected use of the NHS
18. Have you asked for anything this year? If yes, what?
I’m doing the Great North Run in aid of the Great North Children’s Hospital next year – so I’m after some new trainers!
19. If you could spend Christmas with anyone - living or dead, celebrity or someone you know - who would it be?
My family obviously at Christmas, but if it was any other time I’d invite Kirsty McColl, Guy Garvey and the cast of the West Wing.  
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