Monday, 18 December 2017


It’s a special time of year and so, to celebrate it, I wanted to do something special on I’m NOT Disordered for Christmas. I have decided to bring back the Christmassy Q&A I put together last year with the questions being from a YouTube video and have posed them to many different people from all of the country and doing all sorts of jobs, in all sorts of roles, living all kinds of lives!
So let’s kick off Day Six of 12 Days of Christmas with I'm NOT Disordered with the answers of Detective Sergeant Georgina Lloyd, who featured on the BBC documentary Mind Over Marathon

1.     When do you start getting excited for Christmas Day?

Usually about one week before

2.     Do you still have an advent calendar? If yes, which do you have and if not, when did you stop having them?

Chocolate advent calendar for me!

3.     What are your favourite Christmas movies?

Miracle on 34th Street, Arthur Christmas, Scrooge, and Love Actually

4.     Do you have any funny Christmas stories/memories?

Family charades where I would just make up random TV programmes (I was about 10 at the time)

5.     What’s your typical Christmas Day?

Spend with family, open presents, followed by breakfast, walk, lunch, and a lazy afternoon and evening

6.     What do you eat for your Christmas dinner? And what is your favourite part of it?

Turkey… favourite bit is roast potatoes, stuffing, and gravy

7.     Do you have any Christmas traditions?


8.     What are your favourite Christmas songs?

Wham – Last Christmas

9.     What has been your favourite Christmas present?

Too many to mention. I loved getting a new bike and roller skates as a child

10.   Do you prefer a real or fake Christmas tree?

Real but have a fake one for practical reasons

11.    This year, do you think you’d be on the naughty or nice list?

Nice, I hope!

12.   Do you prefer giving or receiving presents?

Receiving (laughs)

13.   Where would you be your dream place to spend Christmas?

A hot country on a beach

14.   Are you good at wrapping presents?

If I’m not rushed.

15.   What time do you usually get up on Christmas morning? Is this different from when you were little?

8am. As a child it was more like 4:30am!

16.   How old were you when tou found out that Santa wasn’t real? And how did you find out?

I can’t remember.

17.   What is your dream Christmas present?

Don’t really have one

18.   Have you asked for anything this year? If yes, what?


19.   If you could spend Christmas with anyone – living or dead, celebrity or someone you know – who would it be?

It’s my dog’s second Christmas so looking forward to having him around as he has been a real life saver this year

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