Friday, 24 July 2020


Not going to lie, I’ve kind of gotten hooked on doing wishlists for my pets’ Birthdays! I realize it’s really not the content people come to I’m NOT Disordered for, but my blog is my own and I have to be happy with the content I produce. I think it’s also important that I take as many opportunities as possible to reiterate how important my pets are for my mental health!

After having to make the decision to put Dolly (my previous cat) to sleep in October 2018 (which you can read about here), myself and Pixie (my bunny) couldn’t live without a cat in our lives! Whilst I knew that no cat could ever replace Dolly, our home just wasn’t the same without that third presence.

Having bought Dolly privately, that was the first place I looked for my new kitten. Then my Mum happened across Emmy’s picture on Willow Cat Adoption Centre’s Facebook and I fell in love with her very unique markings! I also loved the idea that I could provide a loving home for a kitten who’d had 1 a rough start in life by being abandoned on the streets at only a few weeks old. And so, within a week of losing Dolly, Emmy joined the family (which you can read about here) and Pixie and I felt more whole.

As I had done with Pixie and Dolly, I immediately introduced Emmy to Pixie because they’re both so special to me that I couldn’t imagine them never meeting. Neither of them was even remotely wary of one another, and it was as though they knew they were both such huge parts of my life that they didn’t really have a chance but to get along! Seeing them together never fails to make me laugh and I love watching Emmy lick Pixie’s lionhead mane, and then sit on top of her while Pixie just lies there looking completely complacent and placid!

Dolly’s death almost destroyed Pixie and I and Emmy has helped to rebuild us. To thank her, I let her put together her little Birthday Wishlist…

Whiskas Temptations Cat Treats: £1.39 or 3 for £3

Sheba Creamy Snacks Cat Treats: £1.50

Juan Jute Cactus Cat Scratching Post: £19

Trixie Wall Mounted Cat Hammock: £30

Refillable Catnip Squirrel Cat Toy: £4.25

Jazzle Ball Cat Teaser: £3.50

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